Police are coming after people. https://metro.co.uk/2023/01/10/poli...tching-illegal-premier-league-games-18075631/
They can’t attend a burglary so a doubt they’ll be able to have officers watching for some illegal streams
Completely unenforceable at scale. And they know it. Like when they said they were going to crack down on people copying CDs
Won't happen in South Yorkshire. On matchdays, all the police officers are hanging around outside football grounds and transport interchanges.
we once had a detector van turn up at our depot ( middle wallop) demanding entry on to camp, he got an slr barrel shoved up his nose and told to **** off, he seemed to rapidly lose interest after that. i had to see the rsm about it and he just said " have a bollocking and finish at 1200 friday"
I dont think they can easily tell what you are watching whether you use a VPN or not unless they confiscate your equipment In the old days TV detector vans really could detect the channel you were watching though it was much easier to look through the window before knocking. I dont think the tech used then works now though with digital TV and no CRT in your telly I think here they have a list of subscribers from busting a UK based operator and so will be visiting some of the subscribers. If you are really unlucky you might get a visit but really its a publicity exercise. Even if you get a visit unless they have seen you watching something illegal through the window or have a warrant to enter and search for a firestick I dont think there is much they can do if you dont let them in
To be fair the article states they are just warning people. It doesn't say people are going to get arrested and thrown in jail. Not saying it is best use of police time, but they are officers from a specific unit and need to be seen to be taking some action.
Suspect that publicity alone saves them from bothering. There are far more serious crimes that need the time of the police too.
Wonder how many police officers have got one of these illegal streams cos I bet there’s a few. Imagine people will just get a letter rather an actual visit.
Makes me laugh. Laura's Dad's best mate got sent down for selling copied DVD's and Cd's at work. His house got raided and all his equipment seized. However, I can't shake this idea about the Police Christmas party or locker room. "I've been dying to see this film for ages. I might go out and buy the DVD". "Don't bother I'll run you a copy off when I get home". Loads of people are at it. Sensational stories like this are designed to get people doing the Donkey work and grassing on each other. A bit like the lockdown parties. I never saw Police on our street once. That included the VE Day W@nkathon.
“They believe illegal streams can be linked with organised crime gangs.” So can legal ones; FIFA are an organised crime gang. The amount of money sloshing around football is ludicrous. If they want to prevent illegal streaming, maybe make the price of legal viewing more reasonable.
This brings me onto something I've never really understood. Why do CEX exist (and Game, and Charity shops in this example)? How is it OK for them to sell an old 2nd hand game/film but it's not ok to copy something of the same age? The original artist gets nothing regardless.
The music industry appeared to learn this with Kazza and the like back in the late 90s, early 2000s. I'd have though other industries may have caught up.
Because they have already been paid once for that copy? They haven't been paid at all for a stream. A physical book or CD is no different from anything else. You own it when you buy it and can resell it if you wish.