Please note there is no option for "they won't get one". We're not having ridiculous speculation here.
Also no option for non-controversial. I'd go for 'ridiculously unnecessary lunge' ........ 40-45 mins
It's worth pointing out that the last 4 haven't been controversial, they've all been stonewall penalties. The Bolton one was questionable and the red card even more so, but it's clear why it was given. I have however voted 16-30
Fair enough, well by the actual laws of the game they were all stonewall penalties. I'm willing to compromise that much
It'll come in stoppage time right at the end when we're winning by the odd goal. That's when a dry bum is at it's most painful.
Not be in first 30 mins because fitness isn't a problem then witness all the games they've started well it will be after that when they start flagging I've gone 31-45
Can we have an "All of the above" option please. The way things are going it's not as daft as it sounds.
Charlton have only been awarded 2 pens this season and they missed one of them. So given our record, I'm going with the same against us.
Unfortunately you're correct as the game is now run and played professionally by whining little snides. I now spend at least a tenth of any game sadly shaking my head about how embarrassing it all is.
Got to be in the last 15 minutes when it's 0-1 or 0-0 and the officials realise we're a small mining town playing in the capital.