Max Watters Did you know, Max is short for Maxpower He's not Banksy, but he knows who is His vehicle of choice is an Isetta Bubble car He will only put the brown bin out, his wife/girlfriend has to do all the others During the last series, he correctly guessed 3 masked singers His footballing hero is Mark Stallard Before turning pro as a footballer, he could have been a competitive deep sea treasure diver. However he found he has a phobia of wetsuit material. He's watched the film 'not another teen movie' 4 times, more than any other living human. His favourite colour is Neptune Seas
He has a genetic condition which leads to cobalt deficiency meaning he is 'invisible' to automatic doors. He has to wait around for other customers to activate them in order to get in and out of many businesses. It also causes his pubic hair to glow in the dark.
He as an allergy to all types of mattresses so he’s learned to levitate just above the bed, whenever he stays in a hotel his wife as to check that it doesn’t have a ceiling fan for obvious reasons.
Max is also a talented sculptor. He has produced a number of interesting pieces over the years but says he’s most proud of the life-size statue he built of David Hasselhoff outside Londis in Camden.
His favourite biscuit is Seabiscuit. His favourite film is Clingfilm. His favourite church is Charlotte. His favourite animal is Eric Burdon. His favourite tipple is going down inside the penalty area after an innocuous challenge.
He's a slot badger He's a two pin din plug He's a bush dodger He's a small bean regarder He's an unabummer He's a bent ref He's the crazy world of Arthur Brown He's a fence foal He's a free willy He's a chimney bottler He's a bunty man He's a shrub rocketeer
His sister Crystal divised the channel 4 programmes Countdown and Naked Attraction. Her favourite consonant is V. Her favourite part of the male anatomy is the left nacker. Max's former girlfriend was a professional parachutist who suffered from IBS. They split up due to her constantly s hitting on him from a great height. Max has 4 ears. 2 for listening and 2 back up ears. Before football Max played rugby for Wasps but only made it to their B team. Max has the full box set of Just Good Friends starring Paul Nicholas and Jan Francis. Max has a collection of 14 combs. His 3 favourites are named Gaz Pat and Sean Puffy. His proudest moment was when his photo to the adult magazine Fiesta was featured in the readers husbands section. Max is numerically dyslexic and is banned from every Mecca bingo hall in the country. Max knows the location of every dogging spot in the West Riding area. Max is double jointed and can recreate the Sydney Opera House using his body parts. Max is the only living person to have enjoyed the original version of Tron. Max's grandad once went down in history and also fingered a girl in geography. Max is the voice of Pingu. In Max's attic he has a scaled down model of the Emmerdale village. Max Watters spelt backwards is Srettaw Xam which is an Anglo-Saxon phrase which translates to brass rubbing grand master. Max has a larger than normal forehead which along with the Great Wall of China and Egyptian Pyramids can be seen from space
Max Watters is so quick he’s not allowed to run at full speed because it would cause the earth to rotate faster
Apparently he’s had to be rebuild so many times that the bionic man Steve Austin once introduced him as some that’s better, stronger, faster
I know that is not true as Max is a member of the flat earth society and will only travel as far as Bude in Cornwall due to his fear of falling off the planet.
He likes feeding birds at tuppence a bag. He absolutely refuses to put his chewing gum on the bedpost overnight. His favourite Yorkshire town is Skegness.
He has an unbelievable work ethic and engine, tracking back and covering every blade of grass every single match. It could be the 97th minute and still Watters runs deep.
He loves TV and He loves T- Rex He can see through your skirt, He's got X-Ray Specs He came from the sky like a Seven-Forty-Seven He's the bad boy baby and He fell out of heaven He's a Sex Fuhrer baby, He's a Love Dictator Blitzkrieg Romance He's a Cool Dominator He's a Pri-i-i-i-ime, Prime Mover He's Christ in shades, He's a Napalm God Your lipstick flickers round his Lightning Rod You fever pitch b*tch you love to tease He's a Hot Dog Daddy up on your knees He's a Sex Fuhrer baby, He's a Love Dictator Blitzkrieg Romance He's a Living Detonator
He was Tom Cruise's stunt double in Days of Thunder and Nicole Kidman's nipple fluffer on the set of Eyes Wide Shut