Tbh mate I saw none of the moronic behaviour described and generally find somewhere to sit where we don't have issues. Looking at the pitch we were in the top LH corner. As we allus do at Charlton. Away from the masses so to speak. Sometimes we have the inevitable issue but few and far between. Allus choose mid to Lower seats. If available. Sit well away if theres lots of room. The feckin morons who think it's ok to stand at the front and create a reverse domino effect. Lock the feckers up. Easy to recognise ffs. They are at the feckin front. I sort of get those young uns that like to stand at the back and they purchase their tickets there for that reason to stand. But we all know the vast majority that spoil it for others are more mature in age only. More arrogant. Grow the **** up ffs. Sounds as though that incident yesterday was more than obvious coming for the arrogant 2hat. But the stewards should have chucked him out for harassment of others not wanting to get involved. One stupid steward must have thought I was an easy target. At half time I got stood chatting to someone inside the seating area at the back with it being blindingly obvious where we stood we were not blocking the gangways or the walkthrough. Common sense gone out of the window. Officialdom gone mad. I moved but made my point of to him to deal with the real issues . In a proper manner. not confrontational.
Took my grandson to his first home game recently. Think he fancies an away trip but I have only been myself about 3 times in as many years because if the idiots. I would have to pick very carefully but I am reluctant.
I wouldn't ever describe the Charlton stewards as "unwilling to get involved". After the S Yorks Police the must be one of the most violent Firms in football. Having said that the ones I spoke to were ultra polite though I did see the 'firmness' in which they ejected a couple. It's always a pain when you've got Geoff Capes stood in front of you and if there was anyone who wanted to stand through the whole game it was easy - go to the back or the sides. Unallocated seating. I ended up sat next to a right plonker in the 2nd half! His Mrs was lovely though
I was generalising purely based on the numbers you see standing in the aisles or spending the whole match standing in front of or ON their seats. Football ground rules and regulations are only selectively applied it seems
Sad to hear that mate. We run a very family orientated independent who travel all over. And we rarely have issues. We like to stop off. And everyone is sensible with drinking and not got a serious drink culture. We all like a few pints. But that's as far as it goes. Had the odd incident but nothing to get too concerned about. Many oap's as well. regulars in the main, or recommendations. (This is not an advertisement for customers btw as we have more members than we can sometimes cope with.) I just want to point out it's not allus as bad a picture as painted.
Try a local away day and sit in home end, keep away from ******** ends, and you'll be amazed how welcome you'll be made,
yeah we will end up doing one, as the pressure is growing daily. i know there won't be any risk of him being in any kind of danger. it's just the language and general bellendery that I don't think I'll be able to avoid.
You get the language in all ends, i used to go with Granbairns in family stand you can still ear it, to be honest depending on his age, they know it all, have you walked past a school on playground time, or been to local park and heard whats said, we try to protect em as much as we can, good luck, and i hope he takes to it like my 6 out of 9 Granbairns have, gets expensive, Mcdonalds, shop for sweets, drink an pie in ground an a Maccy d's on way home.
One of the reasons I don't attend away games. Only one of them though. I'll not detail the other reasons as I have no wish to offend anyone.
Aye i've taken all 6, on a few occasions now, even been away an all with all 6, they think its great and i get a buzz off them enjoying themselves, great times, memories,
It's not right, and in an ideal world you shouldn't have to face it, but in my view its life experience. My lad is lucky enough to have a cossetted middle class type upbringing and day to day set of experiences. It does him no harm at all to understand the sort of behaviour thats out there in the real world. You're not going to be able to shield him from bellends forever. Better for him to learn and understand what's appropriate and right or wrong at first hand and where you can talk to him about it on the journey home.
Problem with that for me is that it isn't just a few people. If there was a bellend at the football and everyone condemned him and made it clear he was wrong then great. Sadly that's not what happens. Someone acts like a ****** and a steward comes to kick them out. What do the fans around him do? They all turn on the stewards and police. The message there is that the bad behaviour is ok and if you tell them on the way home that the hundred people were al wrong and you are the only one who's right then chances are they won't believe you. Sad but true. Football fans can be absolutely pricks who hunt in packs and become horrible human beings after getting pissed
I chucked the ball back one season yonks back, to opposition left back. It bounced off edge of the pitch & back into west stand lower. Very embarrassing..