I know a few very talented footballers, been in academies but Just don't enjoy it enough to do it as a career. Much better to have them do it as a hobby and social activity all along.
I think many people regard footballers and others as overpaid privileged spoilt rich kids which in some cases may be true. Elite sportsmen however only become elite by adding commitment and hard work to Natural talent. And making sacrifices. People like Lewis Hamilton in F1, Roger Federer and the Williams sisters in tennis, Beckham, Messi and even the ego that Is Ronaldo did not Just get to do where they are though luck. As someone who ways always useless at sport at achool (think Billy Casper) I know little about professional sport but know in any field commitment,sacrifice and hard work are essential ( and a little luck) to make it to the top. Talent Is Just the starting point.
I think he does enjoy Snooker perhaps just not the fame and pressure. He obviously has huge mental demons and one day he loves playing and being the best and the next he hates it. Hence all the contradictory statements he makes. Tyson Fury is very similar.
I suppose some just fall out of love with the game aswell as they get older and mature. With Academies Football will take over players lives from such a young age some will probably hit a certain age and want to do something different but the money on offer means they don't.
He enjoys it, just likes to moan that he doesnt! And he has put in the graft, which on top of his undisputed natural talent means he will probably be the GOAT for my lifetime at least.
Can remember him playing against us and scoring for mk when Wilson was manager 2014 I think it was. We were 5 nil down scored 3 goals in the last 10 mins and it ended up 5-3
I have a friend who works for PWC in London who absolutely detests his job, but due to the fact he has an absolutely humongous mortgage, there's no way he can quit. He earns an absolute shedload, but he often says it's just not worth it for the four weeks of awesome holidays he goes on every year. In my experience, hobbies quickly cease to be enjoyable once you're forced to do them either at a high-pressure competitive level in the case of sports, or you have to rely on them to make ends meet. The former was the reason why I quit chess when I was in the top 20 in the country for my age group. I literally stopped playing one day, and didn't touch a chess set for 28 years. Which to be honest is a massive shame, but having got back into it a couple of years ago, it's fantastic to be able to play for the sheer enjoyment and nothing else.
Could be the case, although you'd probably say that should have affected him during his teens/early 20s not now, but that could and probably is down to Pocc, he really looked after him with arm round shoulder, dad figure I suppose , little wonder his form dropped off a cliff soon as Pocc left. If it is true, I really hope he gets some help and finds peace and some enjoyment in his football again. Cant be easy constantly scrutinised at the age he is now , let alone when he was 16.
Surely MT your friend in PWC doesn't NEED a huge mortgage. It's not impossible to downsize house, job and lifestyle and in some cases it's vital. My ex was a brilliant accountant which led her to an extremely highly pressured job which in turn contributed to a mental breakdown and severe depression. She threw it all in and worked in an off licence for a couple of years before eventually going back into accountancy on her terms. It's easy to get trapped into a lifestyle you think you need but actually don't. Not being a high performer I never got sucked into that vicious circle.
Why doesn't he go try find a job he would like while still doing this one. (PWC should surely hold him in good stead) And lower his standards if necessary. I sure as hell wouldn't stick at it unless absolutely necessary. Or impossible to get another role. Yer a long time dead.
It's all-encompassing unfortunately, as he's pretty high up. He reckons he'll be able to retire at 55, so he's got eight years left, assuming he doesn't have a heart attack first, as he's constantly reminding me!
If he wasn't living in London I'd agree, but downsize there and you're very quickly living in a matchbox. His flat is very nice, but nothing that would make you go wow. Luckily he bought it before property prices went completely off the scale, but his mortgage must still be very sizeable.