Where are all the competent refs coming from out of interest? As has been pointed out, playing for a foul aka cheating is part of the game. No ref can see everything that occurs.
Not how I remember the Archdeacon one. Both were in the area but were yds apart. There was a picture in the Daily mirror next day which showed it much clearer than we could see from the other end of the pitch wondering wtf has he given that for. Could be wrong though aged brain cells. Lol. Another bad decision, a last minute penalty given against Mal Shotton at wolves. Thankfully they missed it and Bullock run the full length of the pitch from the throw out from Dave Watson. Went one on one with their goalkeeper. He failed but that would have been a sweet moment if he'd scored.
Whilst I agree it’s no less dramatic than the one just given before it down the other end. Consistency that’s the problem.
But why did the ref award a corner then make his way to the dug out and send Duff off. Which was on someones say so. When i thought he was supposed to have actually seen any incident then decide to come get in position to resume play and then for some unknown reason hold play up yet again to stroll into penalty area and book Norwood. Who had done nothing at that point in time and if he was booking him for simulation or decent he should have done that before sending Duff off. The man had completely lost the plot. And then when the game was over seemed to spend 5 minutes telling one of the Fleetwood players the reasoning behind it all. Come back gary willard all is forgiven
Not only that Norwood actually had the last touch on the ball so it shouldn’t have been a corner. He got every aspect of decision making wrong in that incident. Notice the defender doesn’t even claim he didn’t have the final touch on the ball he’s just happy he didn’t give the pen.
I had the opposite problem - I wanted to play hockey but had to stick with rugby aaargh! Finally got to play hockey when I went to college - loved it - was quite a good player! Wonder why there was this rigidity about what sports girls/boys played at school? (Same thing happened with choosing science subjects - I was the only boy doing Biology and there was only one girl doing Physics.) The Hockey World Cup (men) is in progress - in India - yet it has virtually no media coverage - England at present top their group - not sure which country is bottom of the group!
It was a tremendous achievement for the Taffs to get to the Finals - (heard that before in another context!) 'We don't punch above our weight we punch above our resources' Ria Burrage-Male (Hockey Wales CEO)
Rebecca Welch has been promoted to the group of refs who can do Championship games and will be in charge of Birmingham City v Preston North End this coming Saturday.
If she`s good enough that`s great. If she`s the Ref we had at Accrington ( haven`t checked) she must have had an off day.
Yes, she is the one from Accrington. I agree, I've seen her once at that game and she was absolutely terrible, but I'd like to think that whoever is making the decisions has seen her many times and she's been much better. Not that the country is overflowing with good refs of any gender!
She’s back refereeing today, in the Championship! Can’t say she deserves a promotion after Boxing Day but let’s see how she gets on. all the best to Birmingham and Preston fans…..