^^^^ lol. I ve no intention of putting my slippers on so to speak. But getting on the roller coasters wit grandkids. (66 btw) Battered when I get off though. Twighlight yrs definition the last years of someone's life: Old people often rely on pets for comfort and companionship in their twilight years. **** that for a game of soldiers.
I read somewhere ages ago that one of the defining characteristics of the British was to 'put up with things, make the most of it and not make a fuss.' Admirable most of the time but useless if you want to change things for the better
Supposed to be the most patient at queueing. Not that I think that's a bad thing but more out of respectfulness. If many of the working class got there heads from up their backside. Tories would never govern.
A lot of people won’t react unless there’s an IMMEDIATE threat to them.Our forefathers and community lived with a constant, immediate threat – folk being killed and maimed. My mother never forgot when, as a little girl, she watched her next door neighbour being brought home injured, put to bed and he never walked again. No NHS back then. Hardly surprising folk got together to create those ‘union’ things and that 'labour' movement.
Well, just got back from wandering round Carcassonne. Got my croissant and coffee, everything open, no chaos in the streets. Lovely place to visit.
Just wait until the EU laws bonfire happens at the end of this year. The Brexit gang will have finally achieved what they set out to achieve. The rest of us will simply pay the price.
The 12 years your wife spent raising your kids is exactly why the raising of the women’s pension age, so quickly, was so wrong. But again, we let them get away with doing it.
Having lost three close friends to cancer recently, all in their early-sixties, I have some sympathy with the ‘twilight’ argument!
You have to admire the French people, they are not prepared to put up with crap like we are in the UK.
That would be great. Although there are too many pensioners and not enough workers. And the pensioners don't want more immigrants so those still working have to work longer and pay more tax to support those that are retired... (Broad generalization that the vast majority of over 60s vote Tory/Brexit/etc)