I was planning to go to Carcassonne in 2020 but had to shelve the plans - seriously thinking of trying to go there this summer is it worth it ?
Hey Farnham. Yes! We've done five nights in Narbonne and currently four in Carcassonne. Narbonne a really nice quiet little town. Carcassonne a bit bigger. The town itself is much nicer than I was expecting. Loads of restaurants, nice shops, French style architecture and the old walled city is fantastic. We've had seven meals out and all seven have been exceptional. If you want any more info give me a shout.
P.s. I would imagine Carcassonne is very busy in the Summer. Maybe Spring may be a better bet. January...well it's been bright and sunny but we just walked back to the hotel in a blizzard.
This is a strange thread. Started off all political and then we've ended up with Cliff Michelmore and Judith Chalmers. Only on the BBS...