Also, which idiot at the council has decided to close the tunnel access into the new shopping area. It used to be open but it’s been shut the last 2 games so you have to way round and through the alhambra or walk up the spiral entrance to the car park which is just a bit unsafe. Between the club and the council they seem determined to make getting to and from oakwell as miserable as possible.
Before it was built I didn't drive to games and was walking from town after getting the bus. But I've been using it since the 90's. I paid a premium for the East Stand Car Park pass for at least the best part 25 years and then had that taken away for the Fazone. I started parking at the disabled riding school and walked up the road past Beevor Court and then they started closing the gate. Then I started using the dirt track up the fence which has now been closed. No, it isn't Cancer, there's far more egregious things in the world but I am fed up with it becoming harder and harder to support my team. It's a good wide road leading directly to the back of our largest stand and it's closed off to the fans. It may not be a big issue to some, but to others it is. The arsing around it takes to get to Oakwell lately is a chore.
Definitely agree the club despite all the talk of improving atmosphere the matchday experience etc they just don’t get it, they seem hell bent on alienating fans.