Obviously you’d almost certainly be paying less tax from your pension, but that’s almost by design. But there’s not a slither of a chance that there was a mistake made by Zahawi prior to him getting ‘caught’. It’s been public knowledge for years that he obviously made money from the sale of YouGov, and he’s blatantly lied about it.
I think it is one of those rare occasions where everyone on this BB who has posted about Zahawi is in agreement, regardless of any political affiliations. Evrn if it transpires he has not broken any law, although IMO he probably has, as he was chancellor at the time and a cabinet minister, he has behaved in a manner that makes him unfit for high office. I cannot see how Sunak can support him and he should be out by the end of the week. Then again, with the Cons moral compass that constantly points South, however unlikely, there is a slight chance he could survive.
What I can’t get my head around is that EVERY single scandal the Tory party have been involved in, in the last 12/13 years is that whoever has been in charge has defended the person at the heart of the scandal, you get other ministers either voluntarily, or being made to face the media and defend them, when they know deep in their minds something has got to happen. They just want to seem to ‘brave it out’ and ‘let the storm pass’, however in 99% of the cases the offender eventually gets sacked or resigns. not one of them have any balls to ‘fess up and take their medicine. They are worse than kids in the playground and normally try and blame everyone else. how many more times is this going to happen????? And so much for the schoolboy with the I’ll fitting trousers at No 10 saying on those very steps that he would not tolerate this kind of thing!!!!!