Rule H2 applies to drivers, motorcyclists horse-drawn vehicles, horse riders and cyclists. It reads: “At a junction you should give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross a road into which or from which you are turning.” From January 2022 a pedestrian waiting to cross should be given priority. Over a year now since the rule changes and I have yet to see this regularly adhered to.
I've tried but the pedestrians don't always seem to want to cross in front of a car even if it's stopped
And so how was it for you if its so dangerous? A You Tube driving instructor I watched may suggest its bad drivers that suggest its dangerous.
It was always the case that someone already crossing from either side of the road you were turning into should be given priority. Instructors used to teach. 'Do not start a turn if you cannot complete it' the reason being stopping halfway round a left turn leaves your vehicle's rear exposed and a following car may assume you will be clear of the road you are leaving and realise too late you have stopped. Turning right across oncoming traffico Is even more hazardous. The new rules has tweaked it to give priority to a pedestrian even if they have not actually stepped into the Road. This Is the same as It was and has always been at zebra crossings. You should stop if someone is waiting to cross. I can see big problema in towns with a constant stream of pedestrian and cars having to wait for a gap to make their turn causing holdups on the main road.
I'm not sure what that question means "how was it for you if it's so dangerous?" I'd say it's dangerous because there have been quite a few times I've gone round a corner and suddenly seen a pedestrian stood on the corner waiting to cross. Now I. The past that would be no problem as the pedestrian should stand still and wait, now the pedestrian has priority to just walk out in front and if I don't stop in time it's game over. Obviously I'd always try to stop but there have been occasions where I genuinely would not have been able to. Giving the most vulnerable road user with no protection licence to just step into the road and expect a car to stop is asking for trouble. If the pedestrian steps into the road assuming the car is going to stop and the car (wrongly) doesn't stop they're dead. If the pedestrian knows the car has priority and so stays on the pavement they're alive. Then there's the fact that coming to a stop immediately after a corner on a road is just asking for someone to rear end you. And the fact that there are many pedestrian crossings at junctions already. If the light is on red for the pedestrian can they cross or not? The crossing says no but rule H2 says yes. Again dangerous. I just think it's bonkers when it achieves what? Stops people having to stand and wait to cross a road? A nice idea but at the cost of lives.
O/T I found out - nearly the hard way - that when the light is on green at the top of Harborough Hills Road as you approach the Alhambra roundabout that it was o.k. to go straight on to the roundabout. It's not!
2 comments. If there is a pedestrian crossing on red for pedestrians they don’t have the right to just March across If you see a pedestrian at a corner about to cross you should stop. If you can’t you are going too fast
Well you adhered to the rule even though you say its the most dangerous in the highway code. I know if I attempt anything dangerous I am very apprehensive to say the least. If we all stuck to the rule which includes paying due care and attention , no-one should get rear-ended ST which I think would be the view of the people that wrote it. Initially I considered it dangerous but now I understand the professionals views I realise its not the stopping that dangerous but the actions of others who are not forward thinking that is. Ignoring the pedestrian for a moment I might be required to stop for other reasons and should expect other road users to react accordingly and not rear end me.
You're right but people are idiots and don't always drive correctly? If the rule as for in laboratories it's perfectly safe, in the real world with humans I don't think it is.
Ah but what about if they walk one foot before the crossing? Take the image below. You're coming round the corner with a big green light. In the red zone you should expect the pedestrian to stop but if they're stood foot in front of that in the green zone the rule says the car should stop and wait in case they want to cross. And you're right but there are lots of absolute blind corners with buildings right on the corner. You don't slow down to a crawl where you can stop instantly, none of us do. Anyone saying they do is lying or is a driver I've never seen before.