Interesting statistic on teh BBC report today.. Over 1.5m deaths in U.S. from firearms since the America War of independence which far exceeds the total number of those killed in every war that America has been involved in since then. Caveat - I have no idea how they calculated that but given the exponential rise in the number of mass shootings in the past decade combined with the corresponding fall in the perception of what are acceptable casualties in modern day conflicts compared to WW1, WW2 Korea and Vietnam I can believe that the gap will only widen. It is strange to us who live outside the bubble of the U.S. that so many make a huge issue when relatively small numberd of military personnel are killed overseas whilst turning a blind eye to the almost daily toll of victims through guns in their own backyard.
The country is diseased. Difficult to see how they put a stop to it. There doesn’t seem to be any significant public pressure whatsoever. I was hoping t’owd Sleepy Joe might do summat about it, but he’s not been able to do a thing.
The American Civil War was always the conflict with the most American casualties (650,000+) - mainly because it was the last war fought on USA soil - but it seems that one thing Americans really have a passion for is killing other Americans.
Mass shootings: America’s challenge for gun control explained in seven charts - BBC News Good read here.
I've just seen another chart. In the three years 2020 to 2022 there have been well over 600 incidents per year where four or more people were killed. Over SIX HUNDRED. PER YEAR.
I normally like to post well-argued, developed insightful comments on heated topics like this but all I can muster this time is........ Nutters.