I know this is not football related but there seems to be some knowledgeable folk on this forum. So right here goes, il set the scene for you all, I am a quality assessor for a large construction company and I work at a pre cast concrete section of the company (I'm not going to name the company but they are very big in this industry). As a quality assessor I have to make decisions that some higher management do not like and I have unjustly earned a reputation as a trouble causer by thus said higher management for doing my job. Anyway cut to last October I was being head hunted by a rival firm offering me a management role, I did what I thought was right and went to my line manager who said he didn't want me to leave and promised me a pay rise which I accepted, this pay rise has not been forthcoming, my line manager has since moved to Australia to work over there with the firm and when I have asked the factory manager about my pay rise he told me rather sarcastically that he would not be honoring my rise for reasons which make no sense, so obviously me and him had a heated discussion and that was that. For the past few days I have been thinking about my options and all of a sudden I am getting a recorded discussion about a job that I did not sign off on or have any involvement in that was messed up. I have only just joined a union but I don't know what I can do I feel am being singled out, is this legal? TIA
Promise of a pay rise that isn’t in writing is worthless I’m afraid unless your former manager has recorded it somewhere . I’m not sure what a ‘recorded discussion’ in this context means
Sorry everything is crap for you at work. I’m not sure which bit you are asking if it is legal or not. In terms of the pay rise, if it wasn’t in writing and the person has left, then chalk that up to experience and make sure you get it confirmed in writing (email’s fine) before turning down the other opportunity. In terms of the ‘recorded discussion’, I don’t know what that means exactly in your workplace but I imagine it is legal unless it involves something weird that can’t be guessed at my that description. If you have proof you weren’t involved in the job then it seems they can’t pin anything on you but I’d let them know that you want union representation at the meeting, or, if you’ve not been with the union long enough for them to attend at least take along a trusted colleague to make notes. Edit: just seen that the line manager does still work for the company. You could try contacting them to get them to confirm that they offered you the rise but I’d question whether your line manager had the power to offer you that or whether they would need it signed off by someone else.
Recorded discussion is the first formal part of disciplinary procedure, the pay rise promised was sent in an email to be signed off
If your ex-manager is with the same firm, albeit in Australia, can he not be contacted to at least give his version to HR and / or your new gaffer. You say it's a large org, so I guess there is a robust HR team?
I think I may have mentioned on here before that ACAS are very good for giving free advice on employment issues, might be worth getting in touch with them? https://www.acas.org.uk/advice
He's a factory manager. Go above his head and explain the situation. You might get some joy. As he shouldn't arbitrarily ignore the verbal agreement. Made in good faith. Some point scoring by him/her by the sounds of it. And ask your union to look into it. Especially at the accusations as well. Sounds like a bully.
Are you the only one they are discussing this botched job with or are they covering all their bases by discussing it with all the team
Definitely a bully he's always had issues with me as I have an opinion and stick to my guns which sometimes affect production plan even though this is my job to highlight quality issues
Speak with the Union first, that’s what they are for. Failing that speak with ACAS, it is free and are very helpful. They will tell you straight where you stand and what you can do. On face value what you have put is not acceptable.
No I'm not the only one but I wasn't the quality assessor who signed the job off, even the team leader who told me about the recorded discussion told me he doesn't understand why I have been pulled into it, the excuse is that this may have been effected by other stuff but can't show any evidence about this, just feels strange that I confronted the factory manager then 3 days later im up for a disciplinary, there is a culture of bullying and intimidation and anybody who sticks up for themselves gets the brunt of it
Keep a record of every discussion you've had, especially stuff such as above. Good luck with it, sound like a bunch of dicks.
I'd say it's a bit late for that. A harah lesson to learn i'm afaird. Did the loyal thing in approaching his manager and talking about the offer from a rival firm but should have chased for written confirmation of the pay rise and set a time limit for a reply. That way could have then possibly kept the option open with the rival firm. His line manager moving abroad didn't help and in all honesty he probably didn't give **** knowing he was moving. They've royally ****** him over.
Joining a union was your best option and now that you have, you should be telling your story to your union rep ASAP.
Try and line a job up then tell the bully bell end to shove his job up his arse n maybe give him a little jab under the ribcage *actually don’t use violence unless he properly deserves it