He used to be a teacher as well ... we deal with hundreds of migrant kids everyday. Last school I worked in there were 27 different languages spoken. No loss to the profession ... hope he doesn't try and worm his way back I when he loses his seat
Should be kicked out of the chamber. In fact a massive clear out is required as is a big reform of our political process. Did you also see the mp crossing the house the other day to intimidate another mp. What was the speaker doing allowing stuff like this to happen. Just looked up his name Lloyd Russell-Moyle. I'd ave slotted him straight back to his own seat.
No sadly. The whiff of racism pervades the current Tory Party, who play up to the Daily Heil, Express & the Sun.
I keep thinking of all the times I laughed at the outrageous plans of Alan B'stard in The New Statesman He would be the voice of reason in the current Tory Party. Ever since Bozo kicked out all the Tory MP's with any shred of decency the Tories just get lower and lower. Most of them are just awful people
Interesting that the BBC had a care home scandal in Doncaster as it's main news item at 6pm yesterday but never even mentioned these missing children. Children who have gone through God knows what to get to this country to then be lost to people traffickers.
Absolutely disgusting, they should have been looked after and nurtured the minute they stepped on British soil after all theyve been through.
He’s one of them blokes where you wouldn’t be surprised if all sorts of stories come out about him over the next few years. Just a nasty power hungry piece of work.