Oh no it isn't. Nor is it the best thing I've heard this decade. Oh no it isn't. Nor is it the best thing I've heard this century. It's not the worst.... but it's pretty low down.
Wow powerful stuff and a very talented guy. Also worth watching the Rosalie review of it, very moving
Glad you agree, an incredible piece of art, which goes way beyond a piece of music. It's one of those things that is so powerful on the first listen that you just can't recapture it on subsequent ones, despite it still being incredible. (also see, Dylan, It's Alright Ma and John Butler, Ocean as two other examples l). I'd also recommend by Ren (must be in this order) Violet's Tale A Tale of Jenny and Screech Also brilliant. The ending reminded me Immortal Technique's - Dance with the Devil. There's also this which is sublime. Dude is incredibly talented.
everybody raving about him, but not feeling it myself. maybe cos everybody's raving about him. dunno.
Rap is not my musical cup of tea, but that was strangely compelling. I'm loathe to say I enjoyed it, because I don't think it's supposed to be enjoyed - at least, not in the way that a lot of music is enjoyed. But it was certainly impressive, a powerful piece, and I can appreciate the talent.