To add a bit of ballance. Fcku all to do wi me mate. Wouldn't vote tory under ANY circumstances. Didn't vote Brexit. Voted to stay Always given respect to young uns and owd uns when it's DUE. Paid my dues all my life. Stupidly high house prices affect all due to the lack of housing stock. Never bought owt I couldn't afford and not getting into debt. (Think young uns need to look at that one) Didn't need a car. and when I bought one at the age of 30, it was one I could afford. Due to the fact Public transport would have been a mare. 3 busses to get to my new workplace. Whilst I'm not saying things may have been easier. Expectations were definitely lower. Aim it at the Tory voting old uns and plenty of young uns btw. NOT ALL the over 30's. Fit your description.
You have a point. Every generation gets to the point where they think they've screwed everything up for following generations. Well the ones who actually do think or give a stuff. If there's anything left in 40 years, today's 20- somethings will probably feel the same. I'm getting to the realisation that the human race isn't much more than a plague which nature will eventually wipe out. And yes I've had a beer or two too....
I'm still under 30 (even though internally about 80 due to BFC!), and I understand your points, but without the 'older' generation, the majority of us wouldn't be as happy or as privileged as we currently are, even though it doesn't always feel that way. The vast, vast majority of the older generations have built towards a life of betterment for their kids & grandkids, and despite how slow progress may seem, it's progress none the less. Simple things we take for granted which have improved our life 10 fold often get outweighed by the bad, and believe it or not, there's a damn sight lot more of the good than there is bad. All this as someone who hails from the UK obviously, I can't speak for people from other countries (or everyone in this country!). But as the remembrance of the holocaust has just been, it's nice to reflect that it was only a mere 80/85 years when times looked really, really bleak and just realising how lucky some of us are. We don't have immeasurable wealth, but we do have relative peace and safety, people to look after us to the best of their ability despite not knowing each other from Adam, and a lot more rights than our parents/grandparents, due to the hard work of our elders. Our Government naffed up Covid incredibly poorly, but the regular folk all banded together, and look at all the help, guidance and love for one another got shared. It did immense damage to our country, but no doubt we will bounce back in due time. I have nothing but admiration, respect & appreciation towards the vast majority of our 'older' generations
Well said young un. No-one deserves respect, they earn it. Regardless of age. There are indeed nobs of all generations. And no one is perfect. (Does such a person exist) Sure someone would have found a chink in mother Terasa's armour.
"We don't have immeasurable wealth" is a bit of an understatement. I can't imagine there's been a period in modern history when it's been harder for the average wage to buy a house or where there has such disparity between rich and poor. Talking about "simple things we take for granted" is moot as that's just the nature of technological advancement and will always be true for any generation looking back.
Never trust an older person who says "The only university I went to is the University Of Life"! Nor anyone who claims "With age comes wisdom", as if it's a law of physics!
A nice, articulate, considered post from a young un.. Maybe I should have more time for those not fully grown before the internet..?
Heath took us into the European Union without telling anyone. He might have told a rent boy but that's hearsay.