Richard had to apologise for calling Sam him, apparently Sam wants to be called they or them, but isn't that a plural phrase? They'res only one of him last I knew, and he was assigned male at birth, he didn't choose to be male. Not really sure what to think.
I want to be a millionaire but probably won't happen!.I'm sick of this ball hox,if I met him he would be addressed him wether he liked it or not.
it's up to them what they want to be called. it really is as simple as that. madely is a cnt. the kind of cnt that doesn't care to do any research, or empathise with anything outside his world view. he's the very living embodiment of Alan Partridge.
Sam and I inhabit different worlds, so it's not likely to be an issue for me. But if I ever do meet Sam, I'll refer to Sam as "Sam".
And that’s why I will refer to him as such, cos he’s got a pair. Obviously someone stands on em when he sings. His new music video is disgusting to be quite honest.
If that's how they want to be addressed, why should it matter to anyone? The irony is, the people who get the most upset about this sort of thing, are usually the first to label other people 'snowflakes'. That's not directed at you by the way, just in general.
Its amazing how many people don't understand English. "They" has always been used to describe a single person of unknown gender just as it can be used to describe multiple people. More recently it describes someone who is non-binary. "The motorbike was driving dangerously. They are speeding and overtaking on bends" "The victim was attacked and knocked unconscious by an unknown assailant. They were caught on CCTV heading towards Doncaster Road after fleeing the scene of their crime" Both cases use "They" to describe one person.
I'm pretty old fashioned for me your either a man or a woman so him or her is appropriate. Like sambfc says his new video is disgusting. It's worrying the influence people like him could have on the younger generation.
I haven't seen their new video so I can't comment on that. I'm sure they will have an influence on the younger generation. I'm not sure that's a bad thing though. It doesn't necessarily mean everyone will suddenly identify as non binary, it will mean people who feel that way will have the confidence to live their life how they feel, and might help men and women be more accepting of who others are.
I've never heard of him/them til this thread. I've watched what I assume is the video of his latest song which is about as sexy as having your eyes gouged out. However, just because I've seen it doesn't mean it influences me towards getting my thrills that way, dressing like that or anything else. There are a certain number of people who will like it just as there are a certain number of heterosexuals who will like things that appeal to them and gays who like what appeals to their tastes. Nobody is going to change their sexuality because they've seen him/them on the telly just like nobody is going to stop being gay by someone shouting in their ear "Stop being GAY". Neither the video or the music is my cup of tea and I certainly won't be watching anything by him/them again. Scissor Sisters though....still think they're brilliant.