Why do so many people not rate Walton & seem happy that he’s off? I used to think I was in a minority preferring Collins to Walton. Surely everyone that rated him haven’t completely change their view of him based on the occasional cup game he gets without getting a run of games?
Played 36 games since he left us in 2019. Case of go where money is more important. He went to Stoke as obvious 2nd choice in my view. Although Butlands valuation had dropped through the floor compared to Stokes valuation at the time. . (Not that I'm knocking that. It's not a job for life, goalkeeping)
Collins is bang average shot stopper IMHO - we seem to concede too many goals down the central area of the goal, he does generally come out well and get to crosses, but also his distribution is suspect - this wouldn't matter if he was better with the shot stopping - Watson's "distributions" generally failed to make the half way line and then usually into the stand, but he was an outstanding shot stopper - that's the most important thing for me. Hasn't Collins got one of the worse shots on goal to goals ratio's in the league? I wouldn't have been bothered if Luton had taken him and left us Walton.
Collins' shot stopping was very good last season, when he would regularly keep is in games. Maybe there's an issue with his concentration when he's not kept as busy? But hopefully that will come with experience. Both Collins and Walton are still very young in Goalkeeper years.
Odd that is it a loan coming the other way. We have too many loans really already and both Walton and Isted are out of contract in the summer. Would make more sense if we were able to agree some kind of swap deal and just have it permanently done if possible and save a loan slot for a new CM now Wolfe is injured. Hopefully Khaled and co can sort something out.
I think for me, he's an ok Number 2, but not much more than that. don't think I've ever watched him and thought he was Number 1 material. I suspect the move is probably being pushed by him as much as us. he's probably accepted he's never gonna make Number 1 here, so it's time for him to move on. he's probably thinking if he's gonna be Number 2, it might as well be in the Champ rather than L1
It's quite hard being a number 2 in the Championship but it shows some thrust and ambition. I can imagine in League 1 it's easier to pass through to midfield as attackers can be quite sloppy.
You didn't watch the games under Struber I assume.when him and Styles helped keep us up. With outstanding performances And the games under Val for the first half of the season. Tis why I chose him as no.1. Yes Collins got In for the cup game in january of that season and did enough for val to keep him there, my view for what it was worth obviously differed. For me he impressed me more than Collins ever has. He was susceptible to the odd mistake. But show me a goalie who isn't.
assume makes an ass of u and me sir. your assumption is wrong. I watched all the games under struber. I just don't think he's consistently Number 1 material. nothing personal, just a different opinion.
I think what hasn't helped Jacks cause is when he has been pulled in to cup games this season, and last actually, especially Barrow, hes been really, really poor at times. Mistakes in separate games too, big mistakes. I do think they'd be ironed out of him if he had a proper run, but no way would he dislodge Collins. Hope he gets a proper shot at some point in the future for Luton and does well
Just don't understand a keeper swap at all, alright if Walton wants to go then let him go but if you do surely its better to promote our third choice keeper or what does that say to him?, No swap would free up a bit of budget for another outfield player. Even if Collins was unlucky enough to get crocked we could bring another keeper on emergency loan.
It's not a swap, we've just brought in someone on loan. He will cost us next to nothing for rest of season - barring a serious injury to Collins - it's probably smart of the club. Can spend Walton's fee + wage elsewhere on the squad, considering Benson & Wolfe are out long term, we don't have any central midfielders on bench, we need numbers.
But we might be mate, for all we know Searle might be second choice and Isted 3rd. I know Flavell had a long term injury and Paul Cooper has even less experience than Searle
Fair enough. Same reason I think neither are regular championship material. Some of his performances especially under Struber were outstanding in the shotstopper stakes imho.
I thought Walton the better keeper of the two but didn't shout about it as our managers have preferred Brad. But neither are much good at commanding their area. I still play back the save that Walton made at Brentford - off his forearm and on to the post, lightning reactions but I think Lady Luck was smiling on the whole team that day!