How long before we actually merge with Luton? Barnton. Luteley. Bluton. Lubarn. Barlucona. C.O.Y. Vermillions.
I miss Jan 31st tales of lights on at Oakwell, white smoke emanating from the chimney, posh cars with private reg's donutting up Grove Street. Guys with designer gear and hoodies, WAG on arm, walking across the Oakwell Car Park chunterring excitedly with their agents. Club shop hurriedly ironing a shirt for the imminent pitchside photoshoot. Long a long gone festive scene now .......... 'cept not that festive.
Luton sign Marvelous Nakamba (reight name) on loan from Villa…shirley he must have played for us at some point
I don't think the ink in the wells are the issue, what about the fax machine? Or the coordinates for Locke Park?
Was Tyler Smith ever confirmed as being the target we had lined up in December? I’ve only ever seen it mentioned on here.