My mum, age 77, who has fought MS for 30 years, beaten pneumonia six times, still came back after a hip, humerus and shoulder fracture 8 years ago has finally succumbed to pneumonia on the 7th time of asking. She was an absolute warrior and it's going to be very empty without her. It's an awful thing to watch but my sister and I were with her to the last breath and she was still able to blink to let us know she could hear us. We sent her away with some happy childhood stories and I hope that soothed her as best it could. Rest well mum, you've more than earned it. In other news the wind has taken my shed door off and smashed the boiler flue leaving us with no hot water or heat. Any other time I'd be stressing about that. Not today.
Sorry to read that fella. Lost my own mother same age back in October. It gets a little easier but things are never the same again. She sounds like a proper fighter. Hang on to all the memories as that helps.
Really sad for you, glad you were there at the end with your sister. May your Mum rest in peace and leave you with memories all the happy times
RIP mate and I've got much admiration for the way you've handled it. Many condolences to you and your family.
Very sorry to hear mate, sounds like your mum was a proper fighter. Great that you could be there with her to the end I'm sure if she had a choice she'd want to go surrounded by the love of her kids. There'll be a lot of up and down days ahead. Make sure you look after yourself. Losing a loved one is always very hard.
So sorry for your loss, she sounds like she was a very resilient woman, you've every right to be proud of her, again, sorry for your terrible loss.
Toby, so sorry to hear this. You'll find so much support on here. I'm always available for a PM. My Mum passed on 13th March 2022 & I miss her so much, she had cancer & I was holding her hand in Barnsley Hospice that day. The loss will never leave you, but the memories will never be erased to your dying day. Treasure those, but don't be scared to reach out. I have & have felt the love from people I've never met in person on here, at least as yet. Sending you love, genuine condolences & I'm seeing my way out of some dark times & that is helped by genuine frienship.
It’s so sad to lose the rock at the heart of your family and she sounds like such a brave and inspirational battler in the face adversity. You must be so proud of her and my thoughts are with you and your family.