Which was a bit of a surprise. Walking out of Tesco the alarm went and the guard called me back. He wanted to know what was in my bag. I showed him. A jar of coffee and some cat food I’d bought somewhere else. He wanted the receipt. I hadn’t taken one. He then started yelling in my face that “I’d better tell the truth or he’d call the police.” He became extremely aggressive, only just stopping short of grabbing me. I suggested we call the floor manager first. He came across and scanned what I’d got. This proved I hadn’t bought them in Tesco. The Floor Manager then went on to say that I could not enter the store with shopping from somewhere else, unless I had a receipt. I told him I’d never heard of that in my life but he assured me it was company policy. I phoned Tesco’s helpline and they were very helpful. They told me that there was no such policy and agreed that the level of aggression I’d faced was totally unacceptable. I gave a detailed description of the team member involved and they promised to contact the store immediately. All’s well that end’s well. And hopefully the end of them.
I’d write formal complaint, for no other reason that it will create Tesco a headache and annoy the manager and security guard. And petty revenge is the best kind.
It's amazing what bare faced lies people will come up with when under pressure from the Head of Royal Mail to Tesco floor managers. Well done for staring them down.
Don't boycott Tesco, they are the only big supermarket chain that does NOT donate to the Conservatives.
Actually I might do. If only because that level of aggression against someone of a more sensitive nature would be pretty devastating for them.
As someone who has to deal with official complaints, justified or not, just the sheer level of admin involved in them is enough for me to use them as a weapon elsewhere.
A lot of complaints get thrown out even when there's guilt because people don't complain properly and explore the avenues available to them.
There will be cc tv and it’s your right for it to be viewed. Might help your case and will certainly piss them off. Emailing g head office another option if they refuse your request. I’d be looking for some kind of compensation after being called a thief and for the embarrassment.
Calling it out on their Facebook page is usually the best way to get an instant response. Right a short punchy version of events and wait for them to ask you direct message them.
You were unlucky that a security guard approached you. There seems to be so little evidence of that these days. Either can’t get the staff or rely on CCTV
Yes to the local Tory Party where he lived in the Peak District in N. E Derbys. Probably looking after his interest in his property?
If it makes you feel any better mate, here’s my Tesco story from a year or 2 ago, it was when we were still wearing masks…. Thought I’d stock up on alcohol Woman on self check out… Can you pull your mask down for me love? Me, (rather smugly) “it’s ok I’m old enough to buy alcohol” her..oh I know that love but you look like a homeless alcoholic that we’ve banned from here… Jeez, go for the jugular why don’t ya woman,
£70k that we know of including £50k to High Peak Conservatives association Also paid the wages of Liam Fox's assistant when they were in opposition