I believe we cannot be the only living beings in this vast universe. How the so-called aliens get to us I have no idea. They talk about wormholes bending space and time but what the actual flip does that mean? When you listen to Prof Brian Cox he leaves me speechless, no idea what he's on about.
There are clearly Unitentified Flying objects there are loads of photos to prove that. Its what they are thats the bit which causes me difficulty I really dont believe they are Alien spaceships. Im quite prepared to believe there is life on other planets - quite advanced lifeforms probably and also capable of space travel but I am not sure there is a way for them to get here. For sure if they are advanced enough to find a way they aren't going to be popping up in mysterious small saucer shaped spacecraft
I have just finished reading The Day After Roswell. I'm very much in the camp that there is something out there and this book is fascinating. It is much more than the title suggests. If your interested in the subject it's well worth a read.
The distances alone make it unlikely that even a species infinitely more intelligent than ours would be able to get here. Without faster-than-light travel, wormholes, or dimensional equivalents (multiverse theory), you are looking at decades to reach the nearest star and maybe centuries to reach one that is inhabited by intelligent life. That doesn't mean that we aren't being observed until we get sufficiently advanced or to make sure we don't become a threat - but again its unlikely they'd just appear as a UFO unless they were trolling us.
I only believe anything exists, if there is clear scientific evidence. As far as I’m aware, there is no clear scientific evidence of alien spaceships. So far, all we’ve got is conspiracy theory and untested hypotheses, neither of which are good enough for me. There ‘might be’ a billion and one things that we haven’t discovered yet. But until they’re discovered and shown to me, I have to assume they don’t exist.
In the vastness of the universe, the probably that we are the only intelligent life form is vanishingly small. Are there aliens flying around our skies today? Also a vanishingly small chance.
I'm a believer, i just can't believe wer the only ones, i love Predator, Alien's, the Thing, infact apart from Daleks, i love em all including E.T. but i honestly think the biggest alien threat is ere on Earth, we will eventually be killed off with some kind of Coronavirus. We Are Watching You. P.S. I've nivver seen an Alien, but by foook, i've seen some ugly an weird Humans, that does put the doubt out there.
It's possible that the UFO phenomenon was set up as counter intelligence because the Americans were testing weapons in "Area 51" and were happy for the public and the Russians to think they were little green men.
I do believe we are not the only living things in the universe. Not little green men like Hollywood portrays them but living things like bacteria, animals,plants etc out there. To just dismiss that there's not , is just purely being scared I think.
Just finished reading SEA OF RUST a fictional tale of the rise of AI's terrific read and highly plausible for sometime in the future, it tells of man's greed and ultimate extinction.