We know most of the Tory Party are corrupt, but this fella is a **** too.
Should have claimed for his moat cleaning or the heating for his stables; he'd have got away with it then.
Mate. Zawari & Johnson should be picking up the soap in the showers. I'm one of the biggest supporters of Labour / socialism on here. If I don't out a hypocrite like this everything I believe in means ****.
Disgusting that his corrupt mate who aided his crimes hasnt been punished at all despite being found guilty
.Someone totally unsuited to being an MP and by all accounts locally they knew it , someone I worked with , who lived locally to him , couldn’t believe they chose him and he won . I’m assuming the 4 yrs , which is a longer sentence than other MPs done for fraud and perjury was for the fake charity he or someone on his behalf set up
You'll not get a bigger socialist than me but if anyone abuses their position then they are a complete twa.t. Sympathy and understanding for autism and mental health issues but that sympathy doesn't extend to someone ripping others off. The twa.t comment stands. Of course there are lots of Tory twa.ts but nevertheless this guy is a twa.t. N.B. I like the use of the word 'twa.t' just saying
As people have said, Labour chucked him out whilst he was still a sitting mp before he’d been shown to have committed any crime. He’s a t.wat, and they shouldn’t have selected him for the election. Let’s face it they genuinely didn’t give him a chance of beating Clegg and were left with the consequences. A massively unsuitable candidate but after the error of his selection he had the whip removed pretty quickly. Compared to the tories and the continuous cronyism and doubling down on it, and the time it takes anyone to leave or be removed when it is palpably obvious they have to, it’s a bit apples and oranges.
Obviously a complete bellend etc. but watch the Look North interview, which he did after a bottle of vodka. It’s brilliant.
Think they admitted that they expected to not win the seat so they didn't vet him properly. He had the chance to try improve so many lives yet choice the selfish path. Labour, Tory or whatever party, if they commit a crime deserve to be ousted immediately and jailed appropriately.
He deserves all he gets to be honest but surely if he's getting 4 years for 30k zahawi must be looking at a 10 stretch for 5 mill.