Ahem. This is my theory. Which is mine. As in it belongs to me. Ahem hem. my theory, which is this what I am explaining goes as follows. Ahem. Given the range of habitats extremophile creatures can thrive in on Earth and the fact that the biological building blocks of life have been found on meteorites which have struck Earth, combined with the number of planets there must be in the universe; it’s surely inconceivable that life does not exist elsewhere in the universe. It’s also unlikely that we are the most advanced life to have ever existed, or even the most advanced in the universe even now. Given the size of the universe however is is entirely possible that we will never encounter this life. There are 10,000 stars in the universe for every grain of sand on Earth. 70 Septillion stars. I can’t believe that life is exclusive to this one planet. It seems very arrogant to assume we are the pinnacle of existence. That being said I think all UFOs encountered on earth have very terrestrial origins whether man made or natural.
Just like the titanic was unsinkable. Human understanding of the universe around us is mostly based on old theory. Even results from the tiny experiments we are conducting in the large hadron collider are starting to move us away from things we thought were 100% certain. and we are merely scratching the surface of expanding our knowledge. Most of the universe is made up of black matter (or so we think) and we know basically nothing about it. So who knows, time travel, wormholes, multi dimensional theories may all be possible but we just are not capable as a species of understanding them. Have a watch on you tube, search for 'Bruce sees all' and look at his footage from even the moon. Some crazy **** happening. Also what about the theory that life was created on this planet by an alien race, like them playing the sims! Could explain why there have been so many documented UFO sightings over nuclear sites, probably they are preventing the experiment from ending and may intervene should we try to wipe each other out. Truth is nobody really knows.
Where’s the evidence for any of this? Has this theory been tested in any way? Where can I find these documented sightings?
Spot on! We can only apply our knowledge and physics to what we know now and we are arrogant enough to believe that there is no other way and our understanding is infinite. Its our opinion right now that we apply to help us understand we cannot. Lots of quantum physics are good therories but not facts. Are there intelligent life forms in the universe?...of course are they visiting us or just t always been here?..why not. There's more to life than just our planet. Look at the conquistadors...they found fab cities asked the natives had they built them....and they replied the ancients had built them. The Europeans could not believe that they were not the epi centre of knowledge and culture...yet were schooled by the Mayan buildings etc.
We will exterminate you, there coming, scary times the 50's an 60's, i'd love it to be true, would they be friendly, would they be foe, to be honest with China, Russia, North Korea, and others, i think we'll manage our own downfall wiart any extraterestrial input.