Shitty Macklemore track once again. They want us fans to make an atmosphere but change our traditional walk out anthem. They haven’t a clue.
And now they roll it out for ten seconds when they’ve lined up for a minute’s silence. we don’t want the Macklemore track. The rolled up goal highlights sounds a bit crap too when you can’t see it. Get them walking out to Cocoon, by Timerider. It wasn’t broken. It didn’t need fixing.
I’m all for replacing Timerider as long as they pick the right song. Whatever that was was just atrocious.
Sad to say I've a pocket full of cash, and absolutely no chance of spending it inside ground. 50 kids all coppering up to buy a hot dog between them, so I sidestepped and was told to get to the back of the queue by the lass behind counter. No chance I'll keep my money
Wonder whose decision it was and why that song? Asked my lad if he liked it and had a resounding no, it's already "old" Why though?
Just so everyone knows I’ve been asked to remix Timerider by the club. I’m probably about half way though the project but it’s a very difficult job, based on the previous way in which the original was written/recorded. The BPM fluctuates throughout the entirety of the track, which makes it very difficult to chop up and use effectively. ill continue it this week and try to get a product that everyone will be happy with. In a nutshell it’ll be a newer updated version with the theme tune in prominence. The club have tried to do something and unfortunately it’s taking me a lot longer than anticipated.
Music is always hard to get right because of everyone’s tastes but the above sounds good. A classic but rejuvenated a bit. The “clips” they play before the music doesn’t work for me. Just sounds like loud shouting of names but then you can’t make out the names. I think I made out a “Kitching!” but that was about it.
I am sure they played it but the timing was well out. How hard can it be to match the p l ayers coming out and the music starting. Mindset you we can't even get the minutes silence right either as it was rudely interrupted by some bugger singing.
Good! This is something I suggested a few times (not taking credit) so I’m glad someone has the same ideas!
So if it's crap at least we know who to blame. No offence intended, but I don't see why it should be remixed and messed about with. Good luck though, and hopefully I'm proved wrong
I’m sure you’ll do a good job but I really don’t see why it needed remixing. It’s never going to be ‘good’ - it’s a bit naff. But it is ours and used only by us. I’ll say it again, it wasn’t broke, it didn’t need fixing.
Timerider is the thing I really remember as a kid first coming into Oakwell, I’ve always loved it, don’t know why but it always sounds amazing when fired up loud at Oakwell and Wembley I really hope it’s played a minute earlier when Wednesday come! Get the fans clapping before the players enter the field!! If not before, at least fire it up as the players are still walking on and not for 10 seconds like today!!!
Wrong thread for that. Also, I didn’t realise having more money in your pocket meant you could queue jump and do what you like.
There were queues. And I'd happily join one. But this bit wasn't a queue. A bunch of folk not in a queue. A large (ish) area and I even offered someone in front of me. Who responded in kind to say no you go first. Absolutely zero to do with how much money I had but more to do with people stood about in an area where they weren't going to buy anything. Had a good time in fanzone though and spent money in that. Wind your neck in