This was a classic ha.....”From the green green grass of oakwell to the isle of scicilly!, we will fight fight fight for Barnsley till we win the football league...TO HELL WITH LIVERPOOL, TO HELL WITH MAN CITY, we will fight fight fight for Barnsley till we win the football league......goodnight lol!
One two hat for some daft reason thinking it was funny. Told a teacher at college it was me. Got some reight looks. Gods honour. It wasn't. First I knew was when I read or heard about it.
The beauty of the Tracky Buses in the 60s was that there was a cubby 'ole where the clippy used to store their spare rolls of paper for their ticket machines. We used to twoc some on the way to t'Tarn (we were from Athersley so such behaviour was to be expected) and duly lobbed them on to the pitch as the team came on to the pitch. Those from posher parts used to lob bog rolls!
I seem to remember Villa did, ten minutes before the end of the game as the Ponte End emptied and the Barnsley fans waited on the Jumble Lane bridge to lob missiles at the Villa fans making their way to the Train Station.
Evening games at half time was an aroma of pipe smoke and Albert Hirst pork pies, with Don’t Cry For Me Argentina, by Julie Covington, blurting out to a sparse crowd.
Zigger Zagger, Zigger Zagger, Oi, Oi, Oi I hear the sound Of distant bums Over there Over there (Pointing at the away fans on the kop) For a while, You'll never walk alone and Marching on together but replace Leeds with reds.
Looking at old photos there seem to be very few women in the crowd - also did children stand at the front?
Tottenham's always running, etc Ronnie Moors a wnker obv Give us a B give us an A ..... We all live at the back ut Ponty End Ronnie Glavins always scoring Baaaaaarrrrnnsslleyyyy we'll support you evermore
What did we used to do at half time Micky? Stand around chatting and waiting for the second half is all I can remember.
To the tune of wandering star....I was born on the ponty end the ponty ponty end, .do you know who....winnie is winney is the king do you know who earnshaw is earnshaw is on the wing... etc Harry Roberts is our friend ....he kills coppers ..... Then there was zigger zagger bill with his long greasey hair, no teeth so named has he was always shouting out zigger zagger zigger zagger ohi ohi ohi chant Give us a B gives us an A...aa all the way through to Y.....can't remember the ending lol....remember the special train ..the old carriages that set off with wall lights with fancy shades and came back without them or wall lights lol ...I know I shouldn't laugh but folk were either unscrewing them or pulling them off the wall of the carriages to take home...there was also the kiosk to the right of the kop and who of a certain age group can forget the stench of urine along the surrounding wall at the back of the brewery stand...and let's not forget we had a supporters club too.
This was early 70s(or before ?)I can remember the coppers with dogs rounding them up and being attacked by one, the city fans somehow managed to get in by coming all the way down at the back of the west stand and charging the gates that were there,this was at a time there used to be a police Porto cabin at the back of the west stand we’re they took you for a good hiding before you were thrown out of the ground.Always got back in again
We are the Barnsley football club We roam around from pub to pub To die of thirst we have no fear As long as we’ve a drink of beer So raise your glass And raise it high And spit the froth In some c*nts eye We are the Barnsley football club We roam around from pub to pub Beer beer we want more beer All the lads are cheering Get the f*ckin beer in Repeat ad infinitum