Currently on our stairs waiting to go up. New pair of trainers to go in my kit bag upstairs. Some paperwork to be filed A pair of discarded socks to go in the laundry basket. i generally put stuff on the stairs as soon as i get in from shopping / work, because invariably the first thing I do when i get in is go into the living room to see the cat/ husband. Multiply that by three other people - that’s quite often stuff is on the stairs. I take it up every time i see something. Not so the other members of the house. I’m currently avoiding trips up and down stairs due to a knee injury - so stuff is getting left longer.!
Hmm I'm familiar with that one The other similar one is "Do you think,,," But if you reply no I think its fine as it is thats never the right answer eg do you think we should redecorate the lounge - the paintwork is looking a bit scruffy
'fired said ' the first thing I do when i get in is go into the living room to see the cat/ husband. in that order ????
Mrs. "What's tha want for dinner." Me, "Whatever." Mrs. "No, what do you want for dinner." Me. "Am easy" Mrs "mek thi mind up" Me, "whatever, you fancy" Mrs "a dunt know what I fancy" Me "o'reight, meyt n tatie pie." Mrs " a dunt fancy that , see to thi sen"
As a single man, dusting was something I did when there was a prospect of getting a visit from a nice lady. I didn't do much dusting... Edit: And I lived above a Tesco so only did lots of little shops.
No woman has ever appreciated my endearing habit of leaving drawers & cupboard doors conveniently open..
That’s Will’s least favourite task because he knows I’m a weirdo who likes the peg colours to match the item of clothing and all the similar colours to be hung out next to each other. I won’t make him do it but he knows that I’d end up changing it round if I saw it (literally can’t stop myself, it’s a compulsion) so he does it the way I like it, or I just do it myself/close the blinds so I can’t see it.
Are you sure you aren't the Duchess of Kent? Her husband is called Will and he allegedly likes pegging...
I do absolutely nothing around the house, the family, garden or with the car. That's always been the case and next year we celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary.