What’s all this about , in a world of satellites that can take a picture of a mouse from space and high altitude drones , why would you send a ballon up to spy
A balloon floats at the speed of the wind which can be just a few miles an hour. Think of how many images you can capture of an area compared to a satellite flying past at 800trillion miles an hour (I have no idea how fast they go) They also cost a lot less. It does seem a bit 19th century though doesn't it
According to The BBC news website the Yanks aren't ruling out extra terrestrial activity, 'Balloons on our starboard side Captain'. 'Happy birthday Spock'
Probably because it's less embarrassing than saying "China is sending loads of stuff into our airspace and we haven't got the foggiest what it is, or what they're doing."
It's all to do with mind control, same as 5G networks and COVID vaccines, better get a tinfoil hat like me!
However, the satellites are already there going round a few times a day taking detailed images over and over again. Why go to the trouble of putting up a balloon which can be shot down by a fighter jet in a few seconds? Makes absolutely no sense to me. So why are they there? and what the hell are these "car sized" objects that have been shot down? I have to say, I'm totally baffled.
Do you know what really doesn't make sense: shooting down balloons with fighter jets. As for shooting down the objects they don't recognise, they're clearly mental. "what was it? "dunno" "so what did you do?" "shot it" Fcking human beings.
Under the DMZ between North and South Korea are a number of tunnels that the North dug as a route to a potential invasion of the south. One of them finishes about 44km north of Seoul. Up to 20 more are believed to exist but not been discovered yet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_Tunnel_of_Aggression
If extra terrestrial beings from planets we haven't yet explored or know about are able to get balloons here they must be a lot more intelligent than us. So why would they send the Prisoner ball to Earth!? I thought Brian Cox would have more sense! Edit- on re read I take it he's being ironic!
What if it was a capsule filled with radioactive material? If I had beef with the USA, and there are plenty of people out there that do, because, you know, they've illegally invaded dozens of countries and killed their families, then floating over a capsule filled with a toxin that they're going to explode in the air and shower down the contents over their own people seems like a pretty easily achieved act of terrorism.
Why is everyone assuming the balloons are capturing photographs, as stated satellites are more than capable of capturing high definition images whilst in orbit. Surely more likely these are listening / capturing communications?
I reckon if they are extra terrestrial they're testing the USA's military might. Since Putin has gone cuckoo Russia have had a speight of sightings too. Radical idea but maybe extra terrestrials are coming to save us from ourselves.
America outraged. Short memories , U2 spy planes used to be all the rage back in the day, didn’t Russia shoot one of them down?