She hasn't been happy since COVID started. The isolation lead to depression and Ill health. Her sight and hearing worsened. She started drinking Brandy excessively to numb her pain. In spite of the efforts of her daughter (mum and son in law dad) to rally round her. She became more reclusive and wouldn't leave the bungalow. Then at the end of November she had a fall in the bungalow and just gave up when she found out she wouldn't get the care she wanted at home. This was around Christmas time. She found out she wasn't coming home and started refusing food. We thought it was dementia but she was all there. It got to the stage where she wouldn't speak. Last week the social worker was informed that she'd been found with the warden chord round her neck. She wasn't strong enough to hang herself though. Eventually she's starved to death dosed up on morphine. I'm more sad for my mum than anything. She was 86. I'd have liked George to have got to know her better like his cousins. R.I.P Grandma.
Really sorry for you and very sad about the circumstances. My deepest Sympathies to you and your family
That's so sad. Condolences to all your family, try to think if happier memories of your Grandma to share with George.
Very sorry Stephen. Covid restrictions have a lot to answer for and will for generations to come. I hope you and your family cam find solace in the happy memories you have of her.