Spent 4 hours in Barnsley A and E this morning. Bit of a chest pain scare but everything is fine. I had the works, ECG, 2 blood tests, BP, oxygen levels, the lot. I'd just like to praise all the brilliant staff in there - so helpful, friendly, caring and professional. All of them. To a woman and to a man. Thank you. If anyone on here works in there, thank you again. You are a credit to us all. I sincerely hope we soon have a government that pays you what you deserve. Thank you for looking after me.
All medical staff are brilliant. Certainly worth more than they are paid. We all need them. Why not give them what they deserve? Glad you are ok ok mate
Nope, it appears to be tendonitis in my left arm which is causing referred pain in the area of my left t*t (couldn't resist that, seeing as it's you ). I'll be fine, just wanted to publicly recognise the work that goes on in there.
Glad to hear you’re ok. My recent dealings with NHS have been outstanding. I have what is probably a degenerative meniscus tear. Was dreading the battle to get GP appointment, but managed to get a phone appointment for 3:20 the next day. The GP rang me at 9:20, asked me to go in at midday. I was having an x ray at 2pm. Saw the Musculo skeletal physio the next day. A week later my appointment for a MRI scan was made - I go next week. For all the underfunding and backlogs caused by Covid etc, the people working on the front line have been brilliant.
That's a great story and reflects my opinion exactly. Thanks for your good wishes, and best wishes to you too.
Different country same story. I was in Tralee a&e a couple of weeks back. Bad kidney infection and passing a kidney stone. Every single one of the staff was brilliant. I know none of us take them for granted but boy are you glad they're there when you need them.
I presume if I was I would be paying whatever I could afford for some kind of medical insurance. I hope it doesn't go that way here.
I don't work in the Emergency Department, but just round the corner from them in Radiology and see many of their team each day. I'll certainly make sure they are aware of your kind words if not already, it does make such a difference to morale. I'm amazed how personable they remain in what has become very much a sausage factory environment on a daily basis. Hope you improve and stay well.
Then arguing with the insurance company who try and get out of paying for the best care available. It's a frightening thought
Thank you. I said thanks to the doctor who treated me when I was discharged. She seemed genuinely pleased that I'd taken the time to thank her and her colleagues. It really makes a difference to them and I'd recommend we all do it when we get the chance. Many of them are working under intolerable pressure.
We went in to A&E a few weeks back after me and my then pregnant wife were hit head on by a car who went the wrong way round the roundabout. It was terrifying but luckily it happened next to the hospital in Kettering. We were seen to so quickly and the staff were incredible in dealing with my wife, making sure her and the baby were both OK. Really couldn't praise them highly enough.