Bingo. Although due to the layout of the stadium with grove Street being one tier up the west stand already I would say that we should be building a copy of the east stand but with the height of the lower tier dictated by the size of the lower tier that already exists. Which would enable us to then build a large concourse similar to what's in the east stand directly onto grove Street. That could remain a large concourse for use as a fanzone or something or cold have a row of offices, shops or community facilities in the back towards the road which would be leased out to generate year round income. Where the back few street level rows of the lower tier would be I'd be putting in a wheelchair accessible area the entire length of the stand. It's the most accessible part of the ground (despite what we were told when they shut it). On top of the lower tier you'd have your new executive boxes at the front incorporating the directors boxes. And above that an upper tier which could be any size they chose really. Either a traditional style going to the back of the stand or it could even be a shorter tier with less rows that meant the footprint of the upper tier was smaller than the lower (imagine a house with a single story extension at the back) that could then be used as a balcony area for again a fanzone, executive use, or even filled with more office space again making more and more money. The digital media place in town makes a fortune from serviced offices, so could we. It could even be apartments that come with free season tickets. Basically I think going smaller is cutting off our nose to spite our face. The layout of the ground lends itself to quite a big stand there and it's money making potential is off the chart compared to the other stands. Fill the corners in too. And paint the concourses in the rest of the stadium. It's a real football ground is Oakwell and apart from one eyesore is actually quite modern. Would cost a lot less to improve it than to move somewhere else and start again. A Lot Less
You would imagine that it’s in the commercial lease for hat the tenants are responsible for maintenance. I’d also imagine if we were to terminate the lease we would have to bring it back up to scratch or face penalties. If it’s a standard agreement.
Modernise/rebuild the west stand. Stick the away fans in the North side of the new west stand, barnsley fans at both ends and you've got a great atmosphere as the acoustics in that North stand are amazing.
I really don't understand why some people either don't understand this or just flat out refuse to acknowledge it's the truth. During the whole west stand debacle last season the council inspected the stadium. The whole reason they were inspecting it in the first place was to make sure that the tenants were adequately maintaining the stadium at the tenants cost.
I don't know the terms of the lease. I do know from experience though, that landlords typically tend to resist spending money wherever possible. I genuinely have no idea who's responsible for what, however it just feels like all parties are saying 'it's not up to me'. I struggle to accept that the property owners don't have any responsibility for modernisation of the property though, yet they never seem to get asked the question. Just feels imbalanced to me. Dunno.
I just base it on the commercial leases we sign at work. We always take on a commitment to maintain the land/properties at the level we take them on at and commit to returning them to the standard we took them on. Think that’s standard but as you say don’t know details in this case.
Wasnt a copy of the lease posted on here during the closure? I'm sure I saw something stating that the tenant was responsible for not only maintenance but putting it back to the same condition they leased it in at the end of the lease.
There are commercial leases where the clauses confirm that the landlord remains responsible for the structural maintenance of a property (such as footings/foundations, exterior walls, flooring and roof) and the tenant is responsible for non-structural effects like the plumbing/heating, electrics, air conditioning). I wonder if it is a "full and repairing lease" that the club have entered into, where they are fully responsible for maintenance and ensuring the stand remains in a good condition, irrespective of the condition they inherited it in? Curious to know if I'm being honest, but without sight of the lease it's speculation. Either way, I'd love to see the West Stand replaced, I don't think we need anything more than a single tier - I've always liked the stands they've put up at Preston and Bradford for example.
I say this every time this gets brought up. it would cost relatively next to nothing to flatten the west stand. It’s only purpose is to seat the upper tier seats approx 2000 of them and needs knocking down. The lower tier still exists without the upper. some thing behind to mould into the existing seats / ponty end can then be designed and built. Not ideal, probably not the easiest solution but it’s achievable without too much money spent. The age old question still exists though why would you bother building something you wouldn’t then own
Said similar to a mate tother day, but was demolish the stand and replace with safe standing split down middle to allow away fans same as home fans and meet the Efl regs.
Spot on. The West Stand is the best chance we have of introducing modern facilities like STANDING! It’s not tricky and would make a huge difference to the morgue like atmosphere at Oakwell. You don’t have to stand - there’s plenty of seating for them that wants it.
Shops, small offices and community facilities on Grove Street are hardly likely to generate much income... there is empty commercial property all over the show.