There was a 16 year old school boy who stepped off a bus in Wakefield a year ago and vanished, not seen since - no where near the coverage this woman is getting, its very strange - I guess he was Polish and male, so the press don't care.
Disagree with that last bit. I'd say quite a few emotionally unstable, financially struggling people with alcohol issues do disappear after going for a walk. The fact that she had muted her conference call suggests very much that what happened next was of her own volition. I reckon a tense work call has tipped many people over the edge in recent years. Not related to this exact post but I'd also like to say I think it's disgusting how Peter faulding has been commenting so regularly on the case and how the media have given him so much attention when the only reason he's done it is to promote his book
I remember all the posters stuck up round Wakefield. I don't think it's to do with care, more to do with circumstances. Leaving a mobile on a bench mid call, the dog minus its lead found next to the bench etc. And a woman disappearing from view within a very small timespan.
It has to be aliens. Especially with all these UFO's being shot down by the yanks. She'll turn up alive and well in Alaska.
I agree with the majority of what you've posted. However, people are going to speculate that the partner was involved because circumstantial evidence does throw up the possibility that he might have been involved. He was at home. He's certain she wasn't in the river. He had the time, the opportunity. It's just motive. It would be a poor police force not to suspect him privately. If I was a police officer it's certainly a line of enquiry I'd be investigating.
I agree but the strange thing is they've obviously checked the rivers in both cases, eventually the body usually shows up. My wife's cousin jumped off a bridge into the River Avon, absolutely tragic only 23 at the time, it took 3 months but his body was found.
Not all river banks are normal too. Some overhang the river and cause swirl. That keeps things under the surface longer.
By chance saw a re-run of one of these talent shows - Choir made up of members who had a 'Missing' relative - very moving - some who were interviewed had relatives who had gone missing decades earlier. One of the choir was the father of Claudia Lawrence - he pushed for a change in the law whereby the relatives of the 'Missing' now don't have to wait 7 years before someone can take over their financial/personal affairs.
Absolutely. It's called suspicious circumstances at worst. Although in this case they firmly were of the belief she fell in the river. Convinced they'd find her. Most people that go missing turn up shortly after. There is a lean towards women imo rather than men. Because most sexual assaults and rape are on women. 91% . Commited by men 99% 6 x more men go missing. but what are the stats they end up dead in similar circumstances. ?
The first suspects are always, it transpires, the nearest and dearest and they will always be under suspicion without a concrete alibi.