Think Poggy is easily going to be completed first. They've deposited an amount of soil, gravel and concrete the size of Monk Bretton down the banking, and some concrete stumps are beginning to emerge. I'm wondering if there'll be a competition to name it (Bridgey McBridgeface?). The 'Horizon Bridge' or the 'Treddlehoyle Bridge' might be contenders!
I haven't been round there for years so am not sure what you are referring to. Where are they building a bridge in Pogmoor, and why? Or is this a spoof bit of news
It's a foot bridge from the area opposite Horizon CC college over the railway to the playing fields in Poggy opposite the Jet garage and the Treddlehoyle pub.
They could call it "Dog 5hit Alley Bridge", 'cos no doubt, within days of opening, the area will be covered in said mess.
Yes. Market Gate Bridge handover is currently planned for September (I believe it’s the 4th). I doubt all the public realm work on Midland Street and the surrounding areas will be finished by then though, but the bridge will be open. The pylon is supposedly getting lifted next weekend, then some parts of the bridge deck are due to be installed and propped up towards the end of March. Working over a live railway line means they have to do a fair bit of work overnight and on Sundays.
Jumble Lane Bridge latest - 4M overbudget and not opening until October.
That will look amazing, icing on the cake for the square. Just the football ground to drag into the 21st century now.
Bit of create journalism there. It clearly states the previous budget didn’t include the public realm costs for either side of the bridge, whereas the new costs do. They’re hardly going to stick up a ‘landmark’ bridge and leave crap paving at either end. The timeline did suggest September so construction has only slipped by a month, but I was expecting that anyway considering the pylon was meant to go up 2 weeks ago.
Planners/builders have done an outstanding job on the Penny-Pie gyratory/roundabout and play area and things looking good for the new bridge. One whinge tho' (mentioned it before) as a very regular driver from Locke Park-Broadway-Pogmoor Road the timings of the lights are very tight especially traffic approaching town from the M1 and traffic accessing Pogmoor Road from Broadway. Finally, what is being built on the corner of Broadway as you bear left on to Park Road -- just past the Fire Station.
A new secondary school. Pupils are currently being housed in the old Eastgate College building in the town centre.
I might’ve been entirely accurate about the Poggy one. Could be end March early April but don’t hold me to it.