Our supermarket shelves are looking bare in places and Our Govt. and some Supermarket Giants blaming poor weather conditions in Europe and transport problems in Africa. Then why isn’t the rest of Europe experiencing this same ‘Shortage’
Brexit. Who do you think gets their stuff last? The countries still in the Union or those who withdrew from it?
Gaslighting at its best by the press and government. This twitter post just about sums up the stupidity of people and what they believe, the prices are in euros and the town is obviously in a European country, and certainly not the UK.
I understand the supermarkets without salad are suffering from near riot conditions due to people rushing to get in!!!
Not sure why the Supermarkets would lie about it being down to the weather etc. Surely if it was because of Brexit they would add that as it would be in their interest for Brexit to end. Reuters are reporting it being a combination of poor weather and a result of higher energy costs has meant less production in UK & Holland.
The weather has been all to pot. I think it's only going to get worse. Stock up on lettuces, raspberries, cress and cucumbers. Stick a load in the freezer and defrost as you need them. Seriously, I'd start a box of emergency food stuff up now.
Gotta love the “Nobody’s ever committed a crime after being executed” comments. Scary that some people will think it is genuine
It's down to poor weather that there's a European shortage but as jay says its absolutely down to Brexit that the UK is last on the list of countries to get the produce. At work we are a part of a massive buying group specialising in certain products including vegetable oil. When there was a shortage of vegetable oil last year and supermarket shelves were empty we had lorry loads in stock with more coming every week. Yes the price was astronomical but we were never even close to running out because of the fact we were in the group so it was in their interests to us and the other hundred companies were happy and kept buying from them. Our competitors who tried putting orders in were told sorry, you're back of the queue and they simply weren't getting stock. It got to the point where we were supplying our competitors at full retail price because it was the only way they could get hold of it. And the other thing that has been hugely understated is that because the rich Tories have done next to chuff all to help with the cost of gas and electricity in fear of upsetting their rich mates it has meant that farmers have not been able to afford to rub heating in UK greenhouses over the winter so our own produce is much lower than usual despite no extreme weather. They have created a perfect storm of Brexit meaning that we can't import enough produce and energy prices so high that we can't produce much of our own either and both of these things are directly due to the Tories and the idiots who voted for them and for Brexit
Which makes you wonder just how financially favourable is the treatment they're getting from the corrupt Tories that it is larger than the financial penalties they suffer as a result of Brexit.