This statement below throws me a little. I think she'll have qualified given how old she is. The second paragraph being the one she'd come under I'd have thought. But it's not automatic. All persons born in the Republic before 1 January 2005 were automatically citizens by birth regardless of the nationalities of their parents. Individuals born in the country since that date receive Irish citizenship at birth if at least one of their parents is an Irish citizen (or entitled to be one), a British citizen, or a long-term resident on the island of Ireland. Persons born in Northern Ireland are usually entitled to (but not automatically granted) Irish citizenship largely under the same terms. Foreign nationals may become Irish citizens by naturalisation after meeting a minimum residence requirement (usually five years).
Beats me how so many 'know' the answer to this. Personally in this kind of case how can anybody 'know'? As I see it whether she was groomed or not , she went. and when she was there who knows what other indoctrination she might have gone through, if she gets back , can anybody say for sure that she won't carry out some kind of act of violence and one would be too many. Again personally I'd leave here there, one for the uncertainty and secondly as a warning to others who may be tempted in the future.
In what way hypocritical? I am not Yes, but their backgrounds will presumably be taken into account before any decision regarding their right to remain is taken. Apart from trying to look non-Muslim by not wearing a Niqab and wearing oversized sunglasses she's not doing it for me, we are not talking Yasser Arafat's conversion to peace. I don't think she can be trusted.
Whether she can be trusted or not is irrelevant if you ask me. If she's guilty of anything then let her face a trial.
Agree with what you many times in the past have we seen terrorist strikes and then “low and behold”, those who commit the atrocities have been known to the authorities and supposedly under watch!......what gripes me also is how much all this must have cost!......she got legal aid, there be some solicitors laffing their selves silly with how much money they making theses days on these cases
There is likely to be at least one more appeal - possibly as many as 3. If money was the concern it would be cheaper to fly her back and arrest her on entry.
If she came back she'd be arrested and tried for terrorism, I don't think the best KC in Britain would get her off. She'd spend serious time in prison and would be treated with anti-indoctrination therapy just like any other. This would be a real deterrent for any others considering following her lead.
Why not put an end to debate and just do a poll of all families of the Manchester bombing and ask them if she should return, since she said bombing was justified eh?
Hi I think where she is now is the biggest deterrent. I am glad that she has not been able to return and will be pleased if that remains so.
How do you think that would ‘put an end to the debate’? Do you think that would give you a rational, informed response?
Let's expand it. Caught doing 35 in a 30? Your punishment is now determined by a group of people whose loved ones were killed by people going 3 times the speed limit. Caught in possession of cocaine? Poll the relatives of the victims of cartel wars. It's like an episode of Black Mirror written by Priti Patel
Tongue in cheek mate, chill out, …..bit if you look at reasons stated why she not coming back here….its good riddance for me
This country has not, does not, and never will have, any time for traitors. She knew perfectly well that she was joining a terrorist organisation. Good ******* riddance.