Barry Davies was my personal favourite over Motty but he was such a knowledgeable commentator. We now have the likes of Johnathan Pearce and Sam Matterface to put up with. How times have changed.
Jonathan "Robot Wars" Pearce, Martin "Aaand it's Live!" Tyler and Sam Matterface... Jesus. Couldn't hold a candle.
RIP sir. One of many good to great commentators in the day. Off top of mi head can't name any of todays. Presenters 2 or 3 maybe. Live or match highlights commentators none.
Rip Motty But could never understand how Motty got the top job over Barry Davies. Who, for me was bar far the better commentator..
Wash your mouth and ears out with soap and water! Seriously though, both great commentators, but Motty just shades it for me. I also really liked Tony Gubba, another one taken before his time.
Motty is a legend and right up there with the very best. Actually agree with you about Barry Davies though....probably the best of the lot.
I know it's what they're paid to do but do commentators talk too much during the match nowadays? Seen old footage of Motty and other commentators of his era and they seem to be more knowledgeable but 'quieter' ??
Some of the fans who have been brought up in the SKY Premier League era don’t know what they’re watching if it isn’t explained step by step to them.
Very good commentator and on the snippets of him when not commentating he seemed like a really nice bloke. Might be wrong but he seemed so. Not that old in the big scheme. RIP Best tv commentators for me... David Coleman '1-0' Kenneth Wolstenholme Motty Moore Davies Sad day though
Very very sad day. Motty's voice is football to me. Always the voice in my playground commentaries and I always enjoy watching old highlights that bit more if he's the one calling it. I loved his enthusiasm and how excited he'd get over the least significant bit of action. And he was always every bit as keen and bright eyed at any level of football and never patronised or gave undue fawning levels of respect. He just genuinely loved football and watched the game with boyish wonder. He had always seemed so lucid and energetic right until his retirement from broadcasting just a few years ago. A sad loss and another piece of the world as we know it gone. Wishes to his family and thank you Motty.
Very sad day indeed. Ronnie Radford, died recently too, November time I believe. Motson said it was his commentary on that goal what changed his own life! RIP sir.