Joe from Red All Over has organised a just giving page for Beth it anyone would like to donate. “Red All Over is hosting a small fundraiser so Reds fans have the opportunity to donate a little bit of money for Beth Sefton and her family to cover any extra costs they are incurring during this really difficult time (such as regular hospital parking costs, extra fuel costs and food costs). Plus, we will plan to buy her a little gift to show our support. We aren't asking for huge donation amounts so if you can donate a couple of quid or £5 or £10 at most that would be amazing!” Let's show our support for one of our own, You Reds!
More than happy to donate, only wish I could afford more. Happy to see we’ve smashed that meagre initial target already.
Don’t know how I feel about this, goes without saying I’m hoping she makes a full recovery, have the family been consulted? What’s the money actually for? Don’t know if the club pay sick pay but will assume they’ll look after her, is the health care she’s receiving private and it’s to go with that ? I know it may be harsh but seems odd
I understand what you're saying. Her husband works doesn't he? Kids are of the age they can look after themselves so no childcare costs? Barnsley will look after her with sick pay? We want her to get better and get back to work, but I don't get funds being raised that aren't going to a charity close to the family. I hope her family were asked before it got started.
Everyone collects money for everything nowadays it’s how it works,stick a 5er in and hopefully lass can have bit of help to get better,not sure what as happened but if she needed a convelensance holiday ,let’s hope this pays for it
The post says it’s to help with basics like hospital car parking, food etc then to buy her a gift. It’s a nice thing to do. If you don’t want to contribute for the reasons you mention then that’s fine, but I don’t think you need to question it on here. It’s just a modern day extension of having a whip round at work for someone who’s off long term. We might not work with Beth but I’d suggest the majority of us have had direct interaction with her on multiple occasions, or those that haven’t know what she contributes to the club. It’s a chance to give a little bit back and to recognise what she does and what she means to the club.
I 100% get what you’re saying mate and it certainly doesn’t come across as harsh and I initially thought the same but after thinking about it I’m going to donate, my reasoning is that when Beth recovers it would be lovely if we as fans could raise enough to treat her and her family to a holiday or something, just to say thank you for all the hard work and help she’s given over the years,
For me it's just a nice gesture of good will. The family can decide how best to use the money and i will be fine with whatever decision they make on it.
I've donated. As far as I can see, it's coming from a good place and has been retweeted by the official club Twitter page. RAO are a good bunch of people. I'm guessing they will have run it past the Club/Sefton family, before setting the page up. The fact that it's money, kinda doesn't matter to me. It's the gesture of Barnsley fans coming together to offer support and say 'thank you'.
The motive behind a collection is undoubtedly well meant. We get all sorts of stuff collected for these days, some more understandable than others. The ones at work where folk are leaving for a better job always gets me! I think people probably feel a bit helpless and see this as a good gesture. Just hope the family are in agreement and it's always down to personal choice to donate I suppose.
No doubts in my mind … she is a special lady in , usually , a thankless job. Thousands of Reds are hoping for a speedy recovery.
I donated because there are some people who deserve a show of appreciation regardless of circumstances, Beth is one of those .
It is clear that the intention was a raise money for Beth & her family to get her a little gift & help pay for the inevitable expenses of hospital stats/visiting. I checked at the start (& donated) that the hope was for £100 as a target, if possible. I’m aware that Kieran Sefton is in touch with Joe Beardsall & is grateful for the gesture & the support & kindness that the family are receiving. - also, that any money raised is to be given to the family for them to use as they think fit. I’ve just checked & the money raised so far is £840 - an amazing spirit & generosity of Barnsley fans
Lovely. Such a kind, thoughtful outlook, for someone who's given decades of her life to the Club and currently lies in critical condition. Heartwarming.