Thank goodness it wasnt Michael "Jock" Auld of WHS. However i do think he is still under investigation.
strange thread topic. Reminds me of that time we had that weirdo so called teacher on here asking about kids toilet breaks.
Showing your age there. He had retired before I went there in 1974. Though I knew him through my Dad. Sheffield Wednesday supporter. I went to a few games at the Sty with him and my Dad before I was old enough to know better. Fortunately Dad had already been taking me to Oakwell so I never felt the affinity for them
Exactly. Teenagers need to push against authority. If the uniform was a short skirt they'd be wearing them below the knee! Best thing is not to have uniform at all imo.
Thing with a uniform though, is that it's just that. It's uniform. Doing away with uniform brings a whole new set of problems. I remember 'non uniform days' being really stressful, as we didn't have any money and I didn't have all the latest gear. Kids were brutal with stuff like that when I was at school. I can only imagine what it might be like now.
It wouldn't be the same as non uniform days though. Most kids can't afford to wear the latest stuff for wearing to school every day so it would settle to jeans/ tracky bottons and t shirts like in France.
one of the kids at my lads school had a pair of balenciaga trainers on, the other day. I kid you not.
I assumed that Farnham. Tbh mate I dont think it all came to light until many years later when all us old schoolmates got talking.