Yesterday was more than just a big win, more than just a great atmosphere. I felt something changed - that disconnect between team and fans and club, that changed. We came together each in our own way as one. We need to keep that going until the end of the season, not just for one game and if we do that we will go up. There were still problems, the service at the bars was better but still rubbish. The beer was cack. The subs (Thomas aside) didn't give their all like the starting 11. But it didn't matter because we were together and we could forgive.
Where abouts in the ground we're you? Two different Salt beers in the Ponty at the previous home match, can't ask for much better than that. I'm assuming they still had them on yesterday.
Great day , apart from being stuck on the train for an hour and half back to Wakey , what’s happened to the drinks van in the fan zone , is it a temporary break or permanent?
So Tedic ,Russell and Martin didnt give their all.I despair, some will always find something to moan about.
East Stand - very cold John Smiths (when it warmed up you realised why it was kept so cold) & very fizzy Madri.
I wrote this post, 2 hours before kick off I didn't know the team or the formation yet I could've stayed at home and gone to bed I could've stopped and watched soccer saturday You might have changed your mind and dropped Devante The match could've been very different but then... I've got far too much time on my hands. I really should do some work.
That's a bit disappointing! Madri - one of the most amazing pieces of marketing I've ever seen. Rubbish beer that purports to be a craft brew from a country with no brewing history whatsoever, which is actually brewed by a brewing behemoth in the UK.
I heard some bloke at the bar a while ago explaining Madrid's Spanish heritage to his mate.... So easy to reel folk in. Just stick a bloke in a flat cap with a big beard on some bog standard lager and you're quids in.
It’s been similar to the way Fosters was marketed here in the eighties. It was a lesser known brand and not even available on draught in Australia but it quickly became one of the best sellers over here with an extensive advertising campaign.
Came out of the same swamp as Castlemaine. Can't stand the stuff now unless it's so chilled I can't taste it on a really hot day.
I had madri and enjoyed it and at £3.30 great value it ran out and needed replacing so cant have been so bad
I wouldn’t say no brewing history, in recent decades the big cities have decent micro breweries, Barcelona , Valencia .30 years ago I remember going to a bar in the Barceloneta area of Barcelona that brewed its own beer , decent stout , sadly closed now
We were gutted. We couldn’t get the van started. In hindsight we should have tried earlier in the week but its difficult when people are working etc (and live away from Town). Disappointing given all the positives from the day and obviously that put pressure on the other bar as well with long queues. Would have been good to see all the regular faces in the fan zone pre match as well. Really enjoyable day otherwise though and the hard work that the club put in to make it such a success paid dividends. (An inspired idea by athersley reds to have the scarf day by the way) Im bringing my scarf for the rest of the season