So some arrogant blogger refers to anyone with a different view as a 'simpletons and morons'. Nice! Referencing 'sensitivity writers' as 'censors' not just about editing of a few words in a few books . That is just the tip of the iceberg. The argument he puts forwards is based on one small aspect of the whole 'cancel culture' which is gaining momentum. You only have to look at the J.K.Rowling witch-hunt to see where it is all heading.
Surely you are mixing two separate issues - The Dahl item is just about replacing a few words in a children's book with ones which are better suited to todays norms. Its nothing to do with censorship and certainly nothing to do with the whole Rowling/Trans issue which I certainly dont want to get into on a thread about Children's books. I guess you have a problem with up to date translations of the Bible - the King James version is clearly the one God intended not any of these modern woke versions
Aw bless, it’s just a satirical lampooning of confused Daily Mail types, ironically waving left wing texts at their ‘woke’ counterparts, delightfully ignorant to the fact that it’s actually their capitalist overlords manipulating the whole ridiculous scenario.. Personally, I think the Daily Mash is funnier. But that’s just my opinion.
'much ado about nothing' -author turning in his grave, wondering if he is next -bloody idiots from la la land again
Just seen this post... The Bible should be really be filed under fiction regardless of version. Also it should preferably be restricted to over 18s as there is far too much 'begetting' listed in the Old Testament IMO