Not an ideal situation at the stadium. Respect to fans of both sides who make the game. I'm sat in my flat in Headingley salivating about Luca Connell returning, like a dog hearing a bell being struck. Bring on the dancing horses...
You can ring my bell, ring my bell ding a ling a ling...Anita Ward I think c.1980ish. Sorry, but am in song mode this evening 2-0 home win btw
Any in the ground yet? What were the queues like? I’m sat in my car parked up about a 10min walk away deliberating wether to go now and get in or stay warm and risk it, it’s flipping freezing
Looking at that gaping, empty stand across from the camera and I was just wondering if the ball boys down that side will all have a spare ball to hand. The thing is, and we know they are not always quick off the mark, if the ball goes into the empty seats, which is bound to happen often enough, do we have to wait an age for them to retrieve it? I'd hope that the club have taken the sensible approach and supplied spare balls. I'm sat in front of my computer screen. Nice and warm. No 100 mile round trip for me tonight but I will be there on Saturday (unless it's snowing of course).
We did OK under Covid... fingers crossed. A lot of my mates are relocated in the Barry Murphy stand. Could be lively in there...
If, hypothetically, anyone wanted to privately message a forum member whose name rhymes with pantsfield red (who is a season ticket holder but can't be arsed to go seeing as his stand is shut and its freezing) with details of where he might be able to find a stream for the match tonight I'm sure that hypothetical forum user would be very grateful. Hypothetically speaking.
Left house 10 mins earlier than usual for a night match and all good. Listening to the live band accompanying the warm up now!
My goodness that’s a big segment of separation in the BM stand. Going to be hard for those who’ve only travelled to spend 90 minutes abusing the opposite side. Not being interested in the match I mean
Sat in the Ponty end, 5 minutes from kick off & it feels very flat. Got a bad feeling about tonight. Hope I’m wrong.