Not sure if anyone from the club will see this - but the trough of the urinals has been blocked for a few weeks now. When it gets to half time, p!ss just overflows all over the floor. It’s the opposite end to the sinks, on the inner wall. Unless it’s something major, it just needs rodding I’d guess. Needs sorting asap though, as it’s a real mess.
West Stand Bogs.... there's a name for a new fanzine....wait! hang on a minute! Seriously though, have you tried reporting it to the club?
It's the same piss from decades ago, it's just starting to back-flow from the closed off end of the stand. Take a sample, you might find some old Sam Smiths or Davenports or Kia-ora in there. You didn't happen to see a bit of Wrigleys spearmint bobbing on the surface ? Mine from circa 1970. Still got a bit of mintiness left in it I'll be bound.
Back in the early 80s, when I was a St John Ambulance cadet, a couple of the volunteers had to wade into the urine lake in the West Stand Bogs to a casualty, who was lying unconscious in the middle of it. I can’t remember what the cause of his unconsciousness was, but I do remember wondering if he was going to become the world’s first person to drown in urine.
I wonder if my green and yellow spotted boxer shorts were ever recovered from the West Stand 5hit house?
Ah. Nostalgia. Good old days returning. Nowt like walking in piss and the stench of ammonia. To waken you up.
Most in the west stand don't use the bogs they take their p. Iss home in their incontinence pants
Soz Dub-Tyke once ya got to.. "Needs rodding" all ah cud think of was wot certain posters would make of that.......over to you Steven
Yeah, to an extent. But it’s actually got worse now. Can only wade so much before it goes over the old boots.
This is a good news story. Shows the West Stand coming back into use. I expect to see a press release from YT anytime soon.