Mick Butler used to come and join in with us halfway up the Ponty end every time he scored, even if it was at the Kop end.
I thought Cole and Norwood were mates from what I've heard so I don't think there's any problem there. I just think Cole is fairly low key when he or anyone else scores. He's doing fine.
When Devante is interviewed on ifollow, he doesn't seem relaxed, he's a bit guarded even, but I think that's maybe his normal demeanour. He'll do for me as long as he's scoring and creating assists.
I have a fully working time machine. If you fancy it, we could pop back and have a look. I'm a bit busy this week, but if you like I could pick you up last Tuesday? Bring a flat cap.
Devante is sound. A really nice bloke who keeps himself to himself. Not one for giving it the big 'un. Him and Norwood get on like a house on fire. Nors gets on with everyone. They've no choice! Nothing to see here basically. If we were all the same, it'd be boring.
Norwood, Cole and Connell all car shared to Accrington on Boxing Day when they were allowed to travel independently so they must get on pretty well.
I think these days they should be jumping into the crowd and having Paddy love with everyone. They should high five me and rub their sweat on my man boobs.
I don't read too much into Coles goal celebrations. Probably at an age where he can't be arsed to run after the goalscorer and jumping all over em lol. I used to go ape when we scored to the age of 60. Now I've got mi bus pass I just stand and applaud.
I think his biggest issue is having the surname "Cole" and being the son of a prolific striker. For anyone to make a career in professional football is a massive achievement at any level. In some ways I guess he knows he's never going to be as great as his Dad. He's obviously worked his socks off this season to prove us all wrong & developed a great partnership with "Nors". Nothing to be concerned about. Hope he bags another 10 by the end of the season, grabbing the winner at Wembley.
Reason I started this thread is that I was concerned there were something going on behind the scenes but you have now cleared things up, cheers. Tell him he's doing a fine job & to keep it up.
I *might* have embarrassed myself at Port Vale the other Tuesday in front of my then 10 year old by charging down 6 rows from my aisle seat to lose my shiit at the front of the stand after Phillips clinching goal.
what a terrible thread that sums up the modern world, anonymous keyboard warrior accuses player of causing unrest behind the scenes because he doesn't go crazy when he scores a goal, talk about putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with 10
He is. It was Teddy Sherringham that was the problem at Man United. Micah Richards mentioned I think in one of his books the life advice Andy Cole gave him.
He didn't accuse Cole of anything He didn't put 2 and 2 together and came up with 10 He asked a simple question He's not a keyboard warrior
Have you met Andy Cole personally? He just didn't get on with Teddy sherringham who always came across as a ******.