Really where are you off to I know someone who is in Les Arcs this week and he reported it started snowing a couple of days ago and is forecast to carry on for the next week Im off to the 3 valleys in one weeks time and I thought the forecast was for it to snow next week but hadnt checked until now and its seems its forecasting rain (wonderful!) Looked at the webcams and there is plenty on the piste - probably cannon snow but nothing on the mountainside Of course if you are going to a low resort like Morzine you might struggle
We’re going to Les Carroz. Been struggling all year. Shut some pistes this week and it’s now forecast rain. We’ve not even booked gear or passes. Not throwing more money at it.
Been in Manchester all day. No settled snow at all. A bit over the M62 but not much. Not really any snow until Barnsley.
Quite a few of the resorts I’ve been to use pumps to try and keep some of the busier runs open when there’s little snowfall. Some even make their own. Fingers crossed some of the runs are open for you!
Update on just how $hite this snow is. Car just slid down the drive and smashed into the house. Brilliant.
Ours. Not assessed the damage yet. Waiting for all the nosey neighbours to wind their necks in, before I go back out and have a proper look.
My neighbour went down the drive and straight into their house a few weeks ago. Went with a right bang loud enough for me to hear from inside. Hadn't done a single bi of damage to the house and just the bumper on the car. Sounded a lot worse than it was. I hope you have the same outcome
Aye be reyt. That's what insurance is for. Biggest problem was calming the lad down, who now thinks the house is going to fall down while he's in bed!
Someone was complaining earlier about lack of snow on their skiing holiday. We could export some of this stuff, if we were still in the EU.