BBC claim to be worried about impartiality but did nothing to refute Sunaks claim the UN had said 100million migrants would come to UK when that is the total amount of displaced people in the world Political programmes like Question Time and Dailey Politics consistently have far right spokespeople on them but very rarely have far left pundits on . UKIP were on every single Political programme for years despite fielding fewer candidates in elections than TUSC
It’s the “logical” conclusion reached by those who have an interest in keeping the attention focused on Lineker rather than the illegal and frankly revolting content of the bill Lineker said there were similarities with 1930’s Germany (something which is hard to dispute factually) They then say well he is accusing us of being Nazis (he wasn’t) and therefor that we are planning a holocaust ( their stretch)
First Rashford and now Lineker. The Tories really shouldn't pick fights with footballers. I need hardly remind you all that England have never won a World Cup when the Tories were in power.
and of that 100million 75% are displaced within the country so the number of refugees leaving their country is 25 million. Its an appalling statistic but bears absolutely no relevance to the number likely to try to come to the UK
Correct. He mentioned 1930's Germany. More like the Beer Hall Putsch, than the Holocaust. One did lead to the other though.
Amazing how many offended tory mp's grannies escaped Nazi Germany in the thirties. You'd think they'd have thought twice before joining another bunch of facists........funny how the first time they're offended is by Gary Lineker, you'd have thought Suella Braverman would have beat him to it.
Great quote from Martin Samuel in today's Times: "If your new immigration strategy is so artfully constructed it needs protecting from a tweet by the bloke who presents Match of the Day, it might not be as clever as you think."
They are trying, badly as they are trailing in the polls. They want to move the agenda away from all working class people getting screwed to this nonsense. Same as what Hitler did. Lineker is right. Look at the NHS, social care, massive inflation & zero growth. No, STOP THE BOATS. Fascism comes home.
The powers that be don't want anyone to speak out, it ruins the daily lies they drip feed us all ....just accept everything we say and move on without questions is the motto of late...the trouble is the amount of folk who hang on to every word this present Tory party spout.....allows them to get away with it... Wasn't it Ronald Ragen who famously said the most terrifying nine words you don't want to hear I'm from the government and I'm here to help
And this government have the bare faced cheek to call Putin and Iran regarding freedom of speach and expression.
We should all boycott MotD, football is a working man’s game and if everyone stands for a working man’s values they should not be supporting the suppression of an individual’s views by an oppressive government.
I see they are sensoring David Attenborough in his new series by not showing one episode that deals with habitat destruction, only available on iplayer
When your policies are backed by Italian far right leader of the anti immigration party... Braveman and Sunak are racist *****.