The Pitch shouldn't be a problem. It's the terraces, car park, footpaths and roads that will mess things up.
Maximum High (good song) of 3 degrees at 12:30, then back down again. It’ll be icy - but fair play to the club to try and get it on. I suspect neither Plymouth or us want to call it off.
It’s been bright sunshine for a few hours now and is thawing out quickly on most of the roads in and around the town centre. If anyone has bothered to shovel the paths then they should be clear and stay clear now. Regardless of the temperature tonight, it’ll be back above freezing tomorrow. The last thing the team needs is another rearranged fixture!
Minus 9-10 overnight could ruin things. It looks lovely at the moment but it's showing it dropping from zero to minus 3 in the space of an hour around 6 pm. This is nothing more than a brief respite.
At kick off time tomorrow it will be 3 to 4 degrees so there won't be any issues.I wish people would stop overreacting !!!
It doesn't matter what the temp is at kick off. It's going to be around minus 10 overnight and not due to get back above freezing until 11 am. Plymouth fans need to set off early. I saw one post mention a mini bus setting off at 4:30 am. We need it on as we already have enough fixtures in a short space of time and I hope it's on. But if it was called off I wouldn't be surprised and it would be just one of those things.
Me? Well I desperately hope the game goes ahead, even if I can't dig the car out & have to miss it - momentum and that - but I think, given the temperatures forecast overnight and the distance our friends from Plymouth would be travelling, the club might well take an early-ish decision to postpone it. I would love to be wrong, but I'm definitely not overreacting
Agreed Early morning temps tomorrow are -7 / -9. For those saying "ah but it's +2 at kick off time" then that is nowehere near long enough to thaw out. It's that long since the undersoil heating came into play, I don't know what effect that will have on thaw, as the last couple of times it was used the game was called off regardless (external factors / streets / access etc).
They can't possibly say it's definitely on until they see the state of the pitch after the severe overnight frost. An early decision can only be a decision to postpone.
Tonight’s temperature will knacker any chances of game being on and it will need a early decision to stop Plymouth fans getting too far north.
After what happened to us at Exeter, the Club absolutely have to do the right thing by the Plymouth fans. For me there has to be a definitive decision today, on whether or not the match is going ahead. If they think there's a chance it might be called off tomorrow, IMO it has to be postponed today. Postponing it tomorrow would be a terrible look for us. I'm assuming the two Clubs are in full comms with each other behind the scenes, even if we can't see it.
300+ miles to travel from Plymouth. A 5. - 6 hour journey. I hope they make decision soon for the sake of the away fans.