don’t forget the impartial Fiona Bruce who is also married to Nigel Sharrocks who is a Tory donor: Which also equates to a two hat
It will be interesting to see how Dion & JJ react. Not just on ethnic heritage, but as they compliantly job across BBC programming..
This has bothered me alot more than it should. No matter which end of the political scale you’re on this is deeply concerning. Distract and divide in full force.
JJ also presents non- footy stuff such as the One Show, which may mean he’s a permanent member of staff so it may be more difficult for him to ‘make a stance’‘ so to speak
We can deduce that anyone taking the MoTD role is basically a Tory supprorting, refugee hating ****&r.
Perhaps now is an appropriate time to quote George Orwell? “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” Supposedly, there’s a good reason why these words are carved into the wall at Broadcasting House.?
Lineker is a decent bloke. Kicking him off MOTD means kicking a decent bloke off. Why not kick off all decent blokes and decent women? Impartial my arse
David Cotterill with a beauty of a tweet comparing this to Le Tissier losing his job on Soccer Saturday for "speaking the truth".
I really hope that the BBC don't find anyone to front MOTD tomorrow and end up either cancelling it or just show the matches with no punditry. The supporters of all PL teams should boycott the program until such time that Lineker is reinstated and given a full public apology. Edit; the production team, cameramen, commentators etc should all come out on strike.
When even Jeremy Clarkson and Piers Morgan think this has gone too far, you know there's something not right.