I usually stick it on Sunday morning as background noise whilst doing breakfasts. I won't this Sunday. A futile gesture I'm sure but the Daily Heil and Government intimidating the state broadcaster is genuinely a big thing to me. If Lineker had said it on MOTD when he should have been talking about football I'd say he was out of line, but outside of his presenting role the man should be allowed to speak his mind.
They’re certainly an irrelevance to me. I record all the football programmes then watch on FF. I never listen to a single word any of them say, whether it be ITV or BBC.
Saturday's Match of the Day will now "focus on match action without studio presentation or punditry", a BBC spokesperson says. Might actually be better
Drivel usually. No time for punditry. I can’t even be bothered with all the highlights or live matches. The +30 seconds button is very useful for flashing through it all quickly
Exactly. People watch for the action not who the presenter and pundits are. If the ratings stay strong then the BBC might make it a permanent decision and save themselves millions of pounds.
And then for the following 5 seasons adopt their theme tune "come on come on do the no promotion with leeds"
https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/21672789/jeremy-clarkson-gary-lineker-valid/ Clarkson is right. You can't sack someone for an opinion.
You absolutely can sack someone for having an opinion, if it brings the company into disrepute (which Lineker didn't do). I can think of plenty of opinions which would get me into all kinds of trouble at work.
I think this is overshadowing the real issue. Why hasn't Aaron been arrested in Corrie? Shocking storyline.
If i voiced my opinion that Stacey from accounts has a cracking arse and lovely pair of tits i would beg to differ.
OK, so where does 'Have I got news for you' go from here? The BBC to stop Ian Hislop expressing any political opinions? What if Attenborough tweets that the gov aren't doing enough to stop **** being pumped into rivers?
Plus racism, homophobia etc. Talk TV are talking about it now along if he should be sacked. Funny late night TV hearing how wound up folks are getting.
If its appalling behaviour through Covid didn't show people that the BBC is simply the propaganda mouthpiece of the state then hopefully at least this will.