Four or five inches deep at least where I live near town centre. Forecast is for minus 5 tonight. Not a chance the game will be in tomorrow. Reckon it’ll be called off today after the Exeter fiasco.
The forecast yesterday was for heavy snow from 1pm. A headteacher who waits until roads are impassable would be crucified by parents, press and possibly the law if students are injured. Schools don’t have a massive budget to spend on Rock salt or snow ploughs for playgrounds and walkways. If a student is injured due to the snow or ice on untreated areas, the school could be liable. Teaching on current wages will only ever be a vocation. The teacher shortage is testament to that. Also teachers didn’t make the decision to close, so how you’ve gone from job to vocation from these kind of issues is beyond me. It’s easy to point the finger, but look at actually what is open across the borough and the number of people working from home.
We're one of those fortunate countries that doesn't have to worry too much about adverse weather i.e. blizzards, severe heat waves like last year, hurricanes etc so on the rare occasions we do get it then it is understandable we will struggle.
The sun is shining in the town centre and it’s melting quickly. The areas I shovelled around the house this morning are totally clear. The main roads will be fine if it continues at this rate. If the club are clearing the snow from the car park and footpaths right now, they should be fine for tomorrow with no more snow forecast.
The problem is the predicted -7 deg. temperatures overnight. All that water isn't disappearing anywhere soon. It might well be we get to 3pm Saturday and wonder what all the fuss was about, but given the distance Plymouth are travelling, I've a feeling they might take a safe, considerate decision and call it off. Hope I'm wrong and I can get the car dug out!
Thought you might all like to know that here in the Lecrin valley (south of Granada) the current temperature is 27C.
That takes me back. I actually had a Vauxhall Chevette as featured in the ad - possibly the worst car I've had, only matched by the Hillman Avenger.
The bloke on the news this morning said that if you had to travel today take some essential items with you like a sleeping bag a blanket a torch a flask and a shovel. I looked a right idiot on the bus.
It used to be that if no attempt to clear forecourts walkways etc was made them no legal liability existed as it is an event of nature ( not the same as ignoring an unsafe tree or structure) .'Half clearing' an area e.g. leaving a few icy patches or surfaces that is slippery or later becomes re-frozen, on the other hand, could make the owner liable. I don't know if that is the case anymore though.
Hasnt bren as cold as the bbc weather predicted it would be. They said a low of minus 8 or minus 9 in Barnsley. Lowest its been has been minus 3. fingers crossed for today.