To the lady steward who helped me uncover the flag today, must have been a ton of snow on the tarpaulin. After about 45mins wrestling with it I put 2 fingers up to it & was about to walk off when I heard a voice saying hold on I'll give you a hand, 1/2 an hour later the tarpaulin was off & the flag was on show. From Rotherham she was & a Rotherham fan, absolute hero. Thank you very much kind lady.
There IS SOME nice people about,seems to be more then enough bad un's these and i don't just mean the government lol.
Unfortunately it staying uncovered until Monday, Had an attack of V.W.F. but will be there first thing Monday morning & all the snow still trapped in the tarpaulin will have melted.
Despite all the past negativity we are again reminded there are some great people associated with our club.